Logo Seebrücke Schweiz

Safe Harbours

Make your city a safe harbor!

The SEEBRÜCKE advocates that refugees find a place to arrive – a safe harbor. We are firmly convinced that where federal policy fails to fulfill its responsibilities, municipal politics must take action.

What does safe harbour mean?

300 Safe harbours in Germany (status 26.03.22)

Safe harbours in Austria (status 17.02.22)

Solidary cities in Switzerland

In addition to the political work in the context of sea rescue, a broad campaign for the reception of refugees from the camps on the Greek islands has been underway since spring 2020. 50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and more than 130 organisations have supported the Easter appeal of the Amnesty International, Evacuate NOW and Migration Charter Campaign, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees.

While individual cities in Switzerland are already members of European networks or have accepted initiatives, other cities have declared their solidarity with people on the run. They thus fulfil the basic requirements for a safe harbour. Thus, all the cities and municipalities listed below could be considered “safe harbours” without having to explicitly declare their support.