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Brochure and crowdfunding on the Polish-Belarusian border crisis

8. November 2022

After the No Borders info tour, ideas are gathering to concretely support the activist structures in Poland. One possibility is crowdfunding. Give what you can and want and tell your friends. There is also a new brochure in German about the crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border.

Spendenaufruf für das No Borders Team.

“Now, for more than a year, thousands of women, men, and children have been treated as pawns in a power struggle between Belarus government and the European Union, repeatedly forced at gunpoint to enter the EU in unauthorized places and then immediately pushed back into Belarus by the border guards of those countries. They are denied access to shelter, food, medical treatment, and legal services. 

Since the early days of this crisis, a network of Polish anarchist collective No Borders Team (NBT) has joined local residents of the border zone to provide these migrants with food, water, blankets, medical care, and other necessities by means of grassroots mutual aid. 

From the beginning our activism is based on donations and crowfundings.  We are not getting any support from government or public institutions.”

Brochure „Polnisch-belarusische Grenzkrise“

More Information: https://nobordersteam.noblogs.org/

Crowdfunding: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/no-borders-team-support-no-border-s-activists