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«City of Lucerne confirms willingness to take in refugees from Moria»

Öffentliche Solidaritätsbekundung
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Luzern (LU)
Status: Accepted


Lucerne in September 2020

In response to the fire in the Moria refugee camp on Lesbos, city councillor Martin Merki reaffirms the willingness of the city of Lucerne to take in more refugees than the federal government actually envisages via a media release.

Even though Swiss asylum policy is fundamentally the responsibility of the federal government, the cities and municipalities are traditionally important partners – for example in the actual integration work.

The City of Lucerne supports the proposal of the City of Zurich and calls on the federal government to immediately convene a national conference and to concretely implement the direct admission of refugees.

Press reports

Nach Brand in griechischem Flüchtlingslager: Luzern will Betroffene aufnehmen In der Nacht auf Mittwoch wurde das Flüchtlingslager in Moria Raub der Flammen. Angesicht der prekären Lage der auf der Insel Lesbos lebenden Flüchtlinge wollen mehrere Schweizer Städte konkrete Hilfe leisten.