Logo Seebrücke Schweiz

Safe Harbours

Make your city a safe harbor!

SEEBRÜCKE is committed to ensuring that people on the move find a place to arrive – a safe harbour. We firmly believe that where federal policy does not live up to its responsibility, local politics must take action.

What is a safe harbour?

320 Safe harbours in Germany (as of 23.12.24)

Safe harbours in Austria (as of 17.02.22)

Cities of solidarity in Switzerland

In addition to its political work in the context of sea rescue, SEEBRÜCKE Switzerland has been campaigning for the reception of people on the move from the asylum camps on the Greek islands since spring 2020. 50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Easter appeal by Amnesty International, Evacuate NOW and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees.

Members of the Alliance “Cities and Municipalities for the Reception of Refugees” (as of December 2024)

As a result of the Easter Appeal, the eight largest cities in Switzerland founded the alliance of “Cities and Municipalities for the Reception of Refugees”. By joining efforts, the cities and municipalities want to pursue the demands of the Easter Appeal and express their position to the federal government. The aim is to work across cantonal jurisdictions on national options for the reception of people in need of protection in order to create a common voice for municipal actors. The alliance counts 17 members up to this day.

The eight largest cities in Switzerland:

Zürich (ZH)

Genf (GE)

Basel (BS)

Lausanne (VD)

Bern (BE)

Winterthur (ZH)

Luzern (LU)

St. Gallen (SG)

Additionally as well:

Baden (AG)

Delémont (JU)

Fribourg (FR)

Kriens (LU)

Köniz (BE)

Moutier (JU)

Prilly (VD)

Spiez (BE)

Wil (SG)

Other cities and municipalities

In different political initiatives, other cities and municipalities have also spoken out in favour of the reception of more people from asylum camps on the Greek islands. In addition, individual cities in Switzerland are already members of European networks or have adopted initiatives in which they declare their solidarity with people on the move. They therefore meet the basic requirements for a safe harbour. All of the cities and municipalities listed below would therefore meet the basic requirements of a “safe harbour” and could be considered as such without having to explicitly declare their support.

Aarau (AG)

Arlesheim (BL)

Biel (BE)

Brugg (AG)

Buchs (SG)

Burgdorf (BE)

Cormoret (BE)

Frick (AG)

Laufenburg (AG)

Lenzburg (AG)

Neuchâtel (NE)

Ostermundigen (BE)

Penthalaz (VD)

Saignelégier (JU)

Sevelen (SG)

Solothurn (SO)

Ste-Croix (VD)

Teufen (AR)

Uerkheim (AG)

Vernier (GE)

Vordemwald (AG)

Windisch (AG)

Wohlen (BE)

City of Bern becomes a safe harbour

On 16.03.23, the Bern City Council adopted the Seebrücke Safe Harbour postulate by 47:19 votes. In doing so, it is sending a public signal of solidarity and willingness to welcome people on the move.

Make your city a safe harbour:

Demands Safe Harbour Switzerland