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«“Can we make it? Solidarity for and with all refugees, and now!”»

Motion 2022.SR.000064
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bern (BE)
Status: Pending


31.03.2022: Submitted


  1. The solidarity with which Ukrainian refugees are met must also apply to refugees from other regions in the world. The municipal council takes a public stand on the situation in countries from which many refugees seek and find their way to Switzerland and shows solidarity with those who suffer, as has happened with the refugees from Ukraine.
  2. The municipal council publicly and especially also with the federal government and the canton of Bern advocates that the conditions for all refugees in Switzerland improve. Thus, it also advocates that the F status be improved.
  3. The municipal council must speak out clearly and publicly against xenophobic sentiment, also and especially when it comes from politics itself.
  4. In order to reduce prejudices, the municipal council is publicly and politically committed to ensuring that refugees can participate in public life and are not, as has been the case up to now, marginalized simply because of the place where they have to live.
  5. The municipal council advocates with the canton to set the emergency aid at a minimum of 12 CHF, as the canton of Basel-Stadt is doing.
  6. The Municipal Council advocates with the Canton to abolish return centers and to create housing conditions that are humane, especially for vulnerable refugees, families and unaccompanied minors.
  7. The Municipal Council lobbies the canton to create an independent ombudsman office where asylum seekers, rejected asylum seekers and Sans-Papiers and otherwise illegalized people can report and file complaints anonymously.
  8. The municipal council establishes an independent ombudsman office in Bern where asylum seekers, rejected asylum seekers and Sans-Papiers and otherwise illegalized people can report and file complaints anonymously.

14.09.2022: Presentation

The Municipal Council requests the City Council to declare items 1 to 7 as a directive and to reject item 8.

«Bern: Cities set a sign of solidarity – Direct reception of refugees, now!»

Postulat 2016.SR.000112
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bern (BE)
Status: Accepted


June 09, 2016 Submission of the postulate by SP, Greens and EVP: Cities set a sign of solidarity – Direct admission of refugees now!

1. The municipal council is asked to consider, in accordance with the approach of the city of Zurich, to increase the admission quota of refugees and at least in the order of 0.25 percent of the resident population.
2. The Municipal Council is asked to consider taking in displaced people directly from camps for refugees, in accordance with the approach of the city of Barcelona.”

Full text of the postulate.

01.09.2016 Declaration of urgency.

07.11.2016 Decision: “The City Council unanimously agrees to the referral and simultaneous write-off of the postulate.”

The city of Bern can lobby the federal government to accept additional resettlement refugees, either on its own or within the framework of existing channels. This way seems to the municipal council more promising and more in line with the political will of the city council. It has therefore submitted the request to take in more resettlement refugees to the City Initiative for Social Policy and suggested that the request be submitted to the responsible cantonal conferences (Conference of Cantonal Social Directors SODK, Conference of Cantonal Justice and Police Directors KKJPD and Conference of Cantonal Governments KdK) and/or directly to the Federal Council.

Extract from the report of the municipal council


Press reports

Städte setzen ein solidarisches Zeichen – Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten, jetzt!
Parlamentarier_innen aus Thun, Bern, Köniz und Burgdorf verlangen in einem überparteilichen und städteübergreifenden Vorstoss von ihren Regierungen, ihren Handlungsspielraum auszuschöpfen: Sie fordern die Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten und die Erhöhung des Aufnahmekontingents!

«Admission of refugees»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bern (BE)
Status: Pending

«Increase of the number of contingent refugees from Syria as well as relaxation of the entry regulations»

Postulat 2014/186
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Zürich (ZH)
Status: Pending


27.08.2014: Referral; pending with City Council since then.

02.07.2014: Declaration of urgency made.
The declaration of urgency is supported by 77 Council members, which means that the quorum of 63 votes pursuant to Art. 88 para. 2 GeschO GR is reached.

25.06.2014: Declaration of urgency and rejection proposed
Roland Scheck (SVP) moves rejection on behalf of the SVP Group. The business is thus postponed.

18.06.2014: Acceptance by City Council

11.06.2014: Receipt

The City Council is asked to consider how it can lobby the federal government through appropriate bodies (for example, association of cities, direct talks, etc) to significantly increase the number of quota refugees from Syria and relax the entry requirements for people from Syria.


For years, a brutal civil war has been raging in Syria, in which cruel human rights violations are being committed. Millions of people are on the run and live in overcrowded refugee camps, sometimes under precarious conditions. Syria’s neighboring countries are suffering from the enormous number of refugees they have to accommodate. Lebanon, for example, (population of about 4.5 million) is home to more than 800,000 Syrian refugees. The UN then launched the largest appeal for donations for a single crisis in its history in January 2014 to relieve the burden on neighboring countries. Switzerland has announced that it will take in 500 quota refugees. Furthermore, in the fall of 2013, Switzerland eased visa entry requirements for Syrians with relatives in Switzerland for a short period of time, but had already lifted or tightened them again by the end of 2013.

In view of the continuing dramatic situation in Syria and the almost unmanageable flow of refugees to Syria’s neighboring countries, the global community is called upon to provide appropriate protection for the fleeing people. Thus, many countries in Europe have also issued generous refugee quotas or even increased them.

As a humanitarian country, Switzerland should also make a significant contribution to granting people in need of protection an opportunity to escape. For this reason, the city council should lobby for a significant increase in the number of quotas (aid organizations such as Caritas speak of 5,000) and easier entry regulations through united bodies (association of cities, direct interventions, etc.).

Zurich City Council

«Commitment of the city to receive people who have fled across the Mediterranean in appropriate bodies at the federal level»

Postulat 2018/281
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Zürich (ZH)
Status: Pending


06.11.2019: referral; pending before City Council since then.

29.08.2018: rejection requested
According to written communication, the head of the Department of Social Affairs, on behalf of the City Council, is ready to receive the postulate for consideration. Yasmine Bourgeois makes the motion for rejection on behalf of the FDP group. With this, the business is adjourned.

22.08.2018: Acceptance by City Council.

11.07.2018: Receipt

«Appeal of the City of Geneva for the reception of people fleeing Afghanistan»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genf (GE)
Status: Accepted


After the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan in August 2021, thousands of people in the country are threatened and on the run. The federal government wants to take in 230 people. These are those people from Afghanistan who are connected with the SDC. The number is within the framework of the already existing quota. Once again, many cities, including Geneva, are ready to offer protection to more people.

“The city of Geneva therefore calls on the federal government to act quickly to give hope for a future to many people, especially women, children and all those whose lives are threatened by the arrival of the Taliban.” In doing so, Geneva also notes that they are committed in principle to providing additional refugee reception in Switzerland.

«The city of Lausanne is committed to a wider reception of people seeking refuge from Afghanistan»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Lausanne (VD)
Status: Accepted


After the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan in August 2021, thousands of people in the country are threatened and on the run. The federal government wants to take in 230 people. These are those people from Afghanistan who are connected to the SDC. The number is within the framework of the already existing quota. Once again, many cities, including Lausanne, are ready to offer protection to more people.

“The city of Lausanne welcomes the decision of the Confederation to suspend repatriations, but also calls for a review of decisions rejecting asylum applications and appeals to the federal authorities to introduce a simplified procedure for issuing humanitarian visas. Finally, it calls for the admission of Afghan refugees not to be counted against the 2021 resettlement quota, but to be added to it.” So says the city of Lausanne in a press release.

«For a sustainable and dignified solution to the problem of housing asylum seekers»

Résolution - R-187 - 173ème (2015-2016)
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genf (GE)
Status: Transformed or canceled


Resolution of June 22, 2015 of Mrs. and Mr. Tobias Schnebli, Grégoire Carasso and Sandrine Burger: “For a sustainable and dignified solution to the problem of housing asylum seekers”.

15.09.2015: Resolution withdrawn by its authors.
22.06.2015: Emergency accepted. Entry in the matter accepted. Postponed.

«For an immediate reception of refugees from Syria»

Résolution - R-188 - 173ème (2015-2016)
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genf (GE)
Status: Accepted


Resolution of September 15, 2015 of Mrs. and Mr. Marie Barbey-Chappuis, Fabienne Beaud, Anne Carron, Alia Chaker Mangeat, Astrid Rico-Martin, Jean-Luc von Arx, Sami Gashi, Alain de Kalbermatten, Jean-Charles Lathion, Lionel Ricou and Souheil Sayegh: “For an immediate reception of refugees from Syria”.

25.05.2016: Noted. Response

15.09.2015: Emergency accepted. Resolution accepted.

«For Geneva to remain a city of refuge»

Résolution - R-194 - 173ème (2015-2016)
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genf (GE)
Status: Accepted


Resolution of April 5, 2016 of Mrs. and Messrs. Pascal Holenweg, Grégoire Carasso, Tobias Schnebli, Marie-Pierre Theubet, Olivier Gurtner, Emmanuel Deonna, Pierre Gauthier: “For Geneva to always be a city of refuge”.

30.03.2022: Amended resolution accepted.

09.03.2022: Postponed.
09.02.2022: Postponed.
26.01.2022: Postponed.
01.12.2021: Postponed.
17.11.2021: Postponed.
06.10.2021: Postponed.
08.09.2021: Postponed.
29.06.2021: Postponed.
09.06.2021: Postponed.
19.05.2021: Postponed.
03.05.2021: Postponed.
30.03.2021: Postponed.
10.03.2021: Postponed.
09.02.2021: Postponed.
20.01.2021: Postponed.
25.11.2020: Postponed.
28.10.2020: Postponed.
07.10.2020: Postponed.
05.04.2016: Emergency accepted. Referred to the Finance Committee.

«Re-introduction of embassy asylum»

Motion 21.3282
Level: Confederation
Status: Rejected


18.03.21 Submission of the motion “Re-introduction of embassy asylum” in the Council of States

“The Federal Council is instructed to draw up a legal basis for the reintroduction of embassy asylum analogous to the former Article 20 Asylum Act of 26 June 1998. The catastrophic situation in the refugee camps on the edge of Europe has worsened due to the Covid pandemic. Even people with a legitimate claim to asylum are forced to fight their way illegally to Europe and Switzerland with the help of criminal smuggling organisations and under life-threatening circumstances in order to be able to apply for asylum. Since 2014, over 21,000 people have died in the Mediterranean on this flight, that’s ten people a day! This drama, which is also partly caused by our legislation, must be put to an end. This can be achieved relatively easily by reintroducing embassy asylum. This was abolished with the revision of the Asylum Act in 2012 because the Federal Council wanted to avoid Switzerland being the only European country to provide this possibility. But that was before the refugee crisis came to a head. In the meantime, however, we know the dramatic consequences that have resulted. The Federal Council has so far resisted the reintroduction of embassy asylum on the grounds that if Switzerland were to introduce it on its own, it would become a centre of attraction as a country of asylum. In doing so, the Federal Council fails to realise that embassy asylum allows for an orderly asylum procedure and that the definition of the procedure does not entail a decision on the admissibility criteria; these remain unchanged. Embassy asylum may cause more work for the administration; in view of the human tragedy of the current situation, this is undoubtedly justifiable.”

Demand and justification of the motion “Re-introduction of embassy asylum”.

02.02.22 State Policy Committee proposes the rejection of the motion

“The State Policy Committee of the Council of States (SPK-S) was instructed by its Council to pre-consult on Motion 21.3282 submitted by Daniel Jositsch (ZH), Member of the Council of States. This motion demands that it should once again be possible to submit asylum applications to embassies, as was the case until the revision of the Asylum Act adopted in the 2013 referendum. Before taking a decision on this motion, which the Federal Council is proposing to reject, the Commission heard representatives of non-governmental organisations, the Swiss Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the Federal Migration Commission. After these hearings, and in light of the explanations provided by the Federal Council delegation, the Commission has come to the conclusion that a reintroduction of embassy asylum that is not coordinated with the member states of the European Union could have a pull effect. Moreover, the current law offers persons whose life or physical integrity is directly and seriously threatened sufficient possibilities to obtain protection in Switzerland, in particular through the humanitarian visa or resettlement programmes. The Commission therefore proposes to the Council to reject the motion by 6 votes to 4 with 1 abstention. The minority proposes its adoption, as it considers it unacceptable that the Swiss asylum system forces persons seeking protection to embark on the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean.”

Media release of the State Policy Commission of 02.02.22

15.03.22 Council of States rejects the motion by 29 votes to 12

The debate in the Council of States can be read here.

Press reports

Botschaftsasyl: Ständerat lehnt Wiedereinführung ab
Menschen können auch künftig nicht bei einer Schweizer Botschaft um Asyl ersuchen. Der Ständerat stellt sich dagegen, das Botschaftsasyl zu reaktivieren. Auch der Ukraine-Krieg bewirkte keinen Sinneswandel.
Ständeratskommission lehnt Wiedereinführung des Botschaftsasyls ab
Personen in Gefahr soll auch künftig der Antrag auf Asyl bei Botschaften verweigert werden. Diese Meinung vertritt die Ständeratskommission (SPK-S).

Ständeratskommission lehnt Wiedereinführung des Botschaftsasyls ab
Gefährdete Menschen sollen weiterhin keinen Asylantrag auf Auslandsvertretungen stellen dürfen. Dieser Meinung ist die Staatspolitische Kommission des Ständerats (SPK-S). Die Möglichkeit war 2013 abgeschafft worden.Der Zürcher SP-Ständerat Daniel Jositsch hat das Thema zurück aufs Tapet gebracht. Seine Motion verlangt, dass es wieder möglich sein soll, Asylgesuche bei Botschaften einzureichen, wie dies bis zur 2013 in der Volksabstimmung angenommenen Revision des Asylgesetzes der Fall war.

«Das ist ein kollektives Verbrechen»
Für Geflüchtete wird es immer schwieriger, nach Europa zu gelangen. Der Zürcher SP-Ständerat und Rechtsprofessor Daniel Jositsch fordert deshalb die Wiedereinführung des Botschaftsasyls, nötigenfalls mit einer Volksinitiative.

Das Asylrecht verkommt zur Fiktion
Die EU-Staaten haben während der Coronapandemie Fakten geschaffen: Die Aufrüstung der Aussengrenze geht voran, die Asylzahlen sind alarmierend tief, auch in der Schweiz.

«Realizing welcoming cities and communities of solidarity»

Parlamentarische initiative 21.519
Level: Confederation
Status: Rejected


Entry of the parliamentary initiative “For a federalist strengthening of Switzerland’s humanitarian tradition. Enabling welcoming cities and communities based on solidarity” on 16.12. 21 by Balthasar Glättli (Green Party) in the National Council

“In the Asylum Act, the Confederation shall, in addition to Article 56 AsylA, create the conditions for the admission of additional refugee quotas at the request of communes and cantons: Municipalities and cantons are to be given the option of taking in refugees in groups if

  • they submit a corresponding application to the federal government for the admission of a refugee quota
  • they ensure the accommodation of these refugees and themselves take over that part of the financing which is otherwise the responsibility of the Confederation
  • the refugees meet the other requirements for admission as a group (resettlement via UNHCR,

relocation, admission as war refugees, security check, etc.).

The actual decision on granting asylum status remains with the federal government, as is the case today. The admission of additional refugee groups by communes and cantons is not at the expense of the refugee quotas decided by the Confederation in connection with its own resettlement programmes or other humanitarian initiatives and is not counted towards the usual cantonal distribution keys.”

16.6.2022 refused

The federal council has not given into a follow up of the initiative

You can support the Greens’ appeal with a signature.

Press reports

«Es ist eine Pflicht, sie aufzunehmen»
Schweizer Städte und Gemeinden wären schon seit Jahren bereit, mehr Geflüchtete aufzunehmen. Sie blitzen mit ihrem Anliegen beim Bund jedoch immer wieder ab. Die Grünen machen nun Druck für eine Gesetzesänderung.

Willkommensstädte und solidarische Kantone ermöglichen
Für Solidarität mit Geflüchteten – Jetzt Appell unterschreiben!

«Muri-Gümligen (BE): Motion to join the alliance “cities and municipalities for the reception of refugees”»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Muri-Gümligen (BE)
Status: Rejected


24 August 2021 Rejection of the referral to the Great Municipal Council

After a controversial debate in the Great Municipal Council, the motion was rejected with 19 no votes, 13 yes votes, and one abstention, and thus not referred to the Municipal Council for execution. In the justification, it is pointed out that issues of asylum policy are the responsibility of the federal government and should “not be implemented by municipalities on their own”.

18 June 2021 Recommendation for rejection by the municipal council

The Municipal Council considers the responsibility for receiving refugees to lie with the federal government. The municipality itself assumes responsibility for the care and integration of the 90 persons assigned to it in the asylum sector. There is no living space available for additional accommodation. The motion is therefore recommended for rejection.

27 April 2021 Motion “evacuate NOW – also to Muri-Gümligen!” is submitted to the Great Municipal Council

The motion asks “the municipal council to join the alliance “cities and municipalities for the reception of refugees”, to declare its willingness to receive refugees in need of protection from the Aegean Sea, and to urge the Federal Council to act together with the Alliance and the 132 organizations of #evacuateNOW.”


Press reports

Parlament sagt Nein zu Flüchtlingsappell

Der Druck auf den Bund soll nicht noch grösser werden, finden die Gegner. Für die Befürworter wäre ein Mittragen allerdings ein «Zeichen der Humanität» gewesen.


«Moutier (BE): urgent motion – to welcome migrants from the Moria refugee camp»

Urgent Motion
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Moutier (BE)
Status: Accepted


Accepted on 03.02.2021 by the City Council

The City Council, during its meeting of December 7, 2020, unanimously accepted the motion of the PSA.

Accepted on 17.11.2020 by the Municipal Council

The Municipal Council is “sensitive to the dramatic situation experienced by these fleeing people” and is of the opinion, “that the Municipality must make known its availability for a reception”.

Consequently, a letter was sent to the Federal Councillor, Mrs. Karin Keller-Sutter on September 30, 2020. In her reply Karin Keller-Sutter underlines

The Swiss asylum system is a joint task for which we share responsibility at all political levels in Switzerland. The Confederation greatly appreciates the commitment and support of cities, including Moutier, and I thank you for this. The role of the cities is central to the integration of people with the right of residence and they are also central to the integration of asylum seekers. I would be happy to consider a closer cooperation with the cities in future welcome campaigns. Together with the cantons, we will discuss how the willingness of the cities to welcome newcomers can be used, for example in resettlement programs.

Response from the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP)

In addition, the City Council has stated that it joins the Union of Swiss Cities (UVS) and that the motion is being processed by the City Council.

Submission of the motion on 21.09.2021

The PSA (Parti socialiste autonome du Sud du Jura) group has addressed an urgent motion entitled: “Welcoming migrants from the Moria refugee camp” to the City Council and has requested with 12 of its members to take the necessary steps in front of the Canton of Bern and the Confederation to volunteer to host migrants from the refugee camp Moria. The group also requested the urgency “in view of the dramatic situation that these people are living”.


«Motion #evacuate NOW – also in Köniz!»

V2114 Motion (Urgent Motion)
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Köniz (BE)
Status: Accepted


Accepted 23.08.2021

In the parliamentary session of 23.08.2021, the motion was adopted by the municipality. The municipality justified the decision by saying,

from a humanitarian point of view, due to the obvious and immeasurable suffering of the people concerned and
the urgent need for action […] and to join the alliance “Cities and Municipalities for the Reception of Refugees” in order to persuade the Federal Council to act.

Köniz Municipal Council

Submission of the motion on 07.04.2021

The Greens, in cooperation with the SP, submitted a motion to ensure that Köniz also joins the “Alliance of Cities and Municipalities for the Reception of Refugees” and that the Federal Council, together with the Alliance and the 132 organisations of #evacuateNOW, is moved to act.
the 132 organisations of #evacuateNOW to take action. The motion, which was deemed substantial, was signed by 16 members of parliament.


«Stans (NW): We call on the municipality of Stans to: Act NOW!»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Stans (NW)
Status: Rejected


September 2020:
The Bistro Interculturel demands in a petition “We call on the municipality of Stans to: Act NOW!”

“We call on the municipality of Stans to communicate to the government council of the canton of Nidwalden its willingness to quickly and unbureaucratically accept refugees from Greek refugee camps. Therefore, we are now also addressing the Easter appeal to the Federal Council launched by various organisations to the municipality of Stans. The inhumane situation on the Greek islands is a consequence of European refugee policy. As a Dublin state, Switzerland (Confederation, cantons, municipalities) shares responsibility for the humanitarian catastrophe on the Greek islands. We have the necessary capacities and financial means to make an important contribution to the evacuation. In view of the advancing Corona pandemic, time is pressing.

A silent disaster is unfolding before our eyes on the Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. Several tens of thousands of refugees from war and conflict zones are stranded there without any protection. Medical care is not guaranteed and even the right to apply for asylum has been temporarily suspended. The situation is particularly dramatic in the Moria camp on the island of Lesbos, as the aid agencies report on site. The number of asylum applications in Switzerland is at an all-time low. Our state has the financial means, the spatial capacities and the human resources to take in more refugees and care for them here. In the past, it has been shown that Greece’s financial support has done little to improve the situation for refugees. On the contrary, as the New York Times reports, the Greek government is resorting to ever more drastic means. They even do not stop at the illegal and anti-human rights practice of abandoning refugees in the middle of the night on the open sea. The only option left is evacuation. We have all shown in recent months that rapid and unconventional action for the benefit of others is possible. Let us now allow this solidarity to overcome borders! It is clear to us that the federal government decides on the reception and distribution of refugees – not the canton, or even individual municipalities. However, for Bern to agree to take in refugees, it needs willingness and pressure from below. Because if no communes and cantons show willingness to quickly solve this humanitarian emergency, it will be much more difficult for the federal government to make a proposal for the unscheduled accommodation of refugees. And if individual municipalities signal their willingness to take in refugees – which is currently happening more and more throughout Switzerland – there are hardly any reasons not to do so! Because the municipalities are the place where living together actually happens.

That is why we, the residents of the municipality of Stans, demand of our municipal authorities:

-> to declare their willingness to take in refugees from the Greek islands

-> to communicate this decision publicly and to forward it to the government of the Canton of Nidwalden and to the Federal Council. Thank you for your support, Bistro Interculturel from Stans.”

March 2021:
The municipality of Stans rejects further admission of refugees and refers to the integration work done in the municipality. However, the petition is forwarded to the canton and the federal government.


«Ostermundigen (BE): Making a contribution to alleviating the hardship in the camps for refugees»

Dringliche Motion
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Ostermundigen (BE)
Status: Accepted


30.10.21: Submission of the non-party urgent motion

The text of the motion reads: “The municipal council is requested,

  1. to campaign at federal and cantonal level for Ostermundigen to take in 10 people from Greek camps, in particular Moria / Kara Tepe.
  2. to demand in a letter from the Federal Council that additional people from these camps be admitted to Switzerland (for example 2000).
  3. to publish this letter as a media release.
  4. to demand in a letter that the surrounding municipalities such as Muri-Gümligen, Hofigen, Bolligen, Stettlen, Köniz, Bern take in the same number of people.

The humanitarian situation on Lesvos is still extremely worrying one and a half months after the burning of the Moria refugee camp.

In total, around 50,000 people survive in these camps.

In Switzerland, 78,832 flats are vacant (as of 1 June 2020), including many in Ostermundigen.

It would not be realistic for Switzerland to take in the 80 million refugees currently living in the world. But it can do much more than grant protection to 20 minors.”

June 21: Adoption by the Municipal Council


Press reports

Nach Vorstoss im Parlament: Von Lesbos nach Ostermundigen
Der Berner Vorort will im Alleingang Flüchtlinge aufnehmen, die auf den griechischen Inseln gestrandet sind. Geht das überhaupt?

«Winterthur: For a commitment to accept refugees from the camps on the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Winterthur (ZH)
Status: Accepted


27 January 2021 Acceptance

The City Council refers to a letter to “evakuieren JETZT” in which it has already stated its position and fundamental willingness to accept additional refugees in view of the humanitarian emergency situation. Thus, the City Council indicates that the request is noted, but already fulfilled.

The city of Winterthur states that it has since reiterated its position several times and has also communicated it to the federal government through its representatives in the City Initiative for Social Policy and in the Swiss Association of Cities. However, an actual additional admission would only be possible with the support of the federal government and the canton.

23 November 2020 Submission

Several people from Winterthur have submitted to the City Council the petition “for a commitment to receive refugees from the camps on the Greek islands” with 4 signatures. The petition demands that the city of Winterthur should “declare its willingness to accept refugees from the Greek islands” and that it should “communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council”


«Stein (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Stein (AG)
Status: Rejected


25.03.21: Request to the municipality of Stein (AG),

  • to agree to take in 2 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in people who have fled.

29.03.21: Rejection by the municipal council

“Currently, seven people with F permit live in our village. In addition, 30 persons are staying in the cantonal asylum shelter.

The obligation to receive persons according to §18a of the Social Assistance and Prevention Act SPG has therefore been fulfilled by the municipality of Stein for many years by a multiple (currently 37 instead of 10 persons).”

Decision of the municipal council of 29.03.2021

In the justification, the municipal council points to the responsibility of the federal government. The municipality is already engaged in the care of refugees beyond the required quota.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Gansingen (AG): additional reception of more refugees»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Gansingen (AG)
Status: Rejected


15.03.21: Request to the municipality of Gansingen (AG) regarding the additional reception of refugees.

01.04.21: Rejection letter by the municipal council

“The community council agrees not to take in any additional people at the moment.”

Decision of the municipal council 01.04.21

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Oberkulm (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Oberkulm (AG)
Status: Rejected


15.03.21: Application to the municipality of Oberkulm

01.04.21: Rejection by the municipality

“According to cantonal requirements, the admission obligation of the municipality of Oberkulm is ten refugees. The municipality of Oberkulm fulfills the obligation to receive and has no more capacity for additional reception.”

Decision of the communal chancellery of 01.04.21

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Oberentfelden (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Oberentfelden (AG)
Status: Rejected


01.03.21: Request to the Oberentfelden municipal council, with the demands,

  • to agree to take in 6 refugees from Moria;
  • to call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in people who have fled.

23.03.21 Rejection by the municipal council

The justification states that the responsibility lies with the federal government and the canton. These should be addressed for this concern.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Magden (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Magden (AG)
Status: Rejected


04.03.21: Submission of the petition with 12 signatures to the Magden municipal council, with the demands,

  • to agree to take in 3 refugees from Moria;
  • to call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in people who have fled.

15.03.21 Rejection by the municipal council

The justification states that direct admission is not within the competence of the municipality. The admission of three people would also cause high costs, for which the municipal assembly would have to approve a budget.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Petition for a commitment of the municipality of Spiez to receive refugees»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Spiez (BE)
Status: Accepted


Positive response from the municipal council from 16 March 2021:

The reaction to the petition form, which was handed in on 14 March with 30 signatures from citizens of the municipality of Spiez was very positive. The municipal council of Spiez speaks positively towards the request and supports it publicly. Spiez is thus a new member of the “Alliance of Cities and Municipalities for the Reception of Refugees”.

The municipal council signs the petition calling for action, since the Federal Council has not yet accepted the offer of 25 municipalities. According to the petition, now it is imperative that other municipalities participate and thus clearly express that there is the will everywhere in Switzerland to tackle this plight.

This is an opportunity for the municipality of Spiez to express its solidarity and willingness to help to remedy the completely untenable conditions in the Greek refugee camps and to strengthen the Federal Council for urgently needed humanitarian action in this extremely precarious situation.


The petition follows the call of the European Citizens Forum EBF:

The situation in the camps on the Greek islands is degrading

During the night of 8/9 September 2020 a major fire destroyed the refugee camp of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. At one stroke, all 12,000 people were homeless and wandered the streets. After the already inhumane situation in the camp, the humanitarian disaster had now become a reality. Subsequently, a few EU countries and Switzerland agreed to take in a few hundred people. This minimal number is a disgrace! Many are still homeless and 8,000 people who had to flee the fire in Moria are now waiting in a new, hastily built camp: without water supply and sanitation, without electricity or heating. The floor of the former firing range is contaminated with ammunition and again and again cartridges and non-detonated explosives are found. The next catastrophe is pre-programmed.

A broad campaign to take in refugees from the camps

50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Os-ter appeal of Amnesty International’s Evacuation NOW campaign and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees. Numerous politicians – across all party lines – have also lent their support to these demands. What counts is not party affiliation, but the human conscience. The eight largest cities in Switzerland – Zurich, Berne, Basel City, Lucerne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva – have all joined in this appeal. Cities like Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Wil (SG) have joined, as have smaller municipalities. Here you will find extracts of three smaller municipalities that have already joined the appeal. All of them call on the federal authorities to do more to stop the distress on the Aegean islands and declare their willingness to take refugees from there. This is not just a moral statement, but a concrete offer which the Federal Council should accept.

The municipalities are the foundation of our democracy!

The hope that the Federal Council would take note of the open attitude of these towns and municipalities has unfortunately not been fulfilled so far. For this reason, as many smaller towns and villages throughout Switzerland as possible should also make their voices heard. The more numerous these are, the more it becomes clear that there is a willingness everywhere in our country to help the refugees. At the same time, the chances are increasing that the Federal Council will finally come to its senses and act in a humane manner. The Federal Council could take action today. Contrary to what Federal Councillor Keller-Suter said, the legal foundations for this already exist today. This is why we, residents of the municipality XYZ, demand that our municipal authorities take action:

  • to agree to accept refugees from the Greek islands,
  • communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council.

You can download the petition here and we ask you to become active in your circle of friends. Here you can download a feedback card or you can send us an email to the following address: ch@forumcivique.org. Thank you in advance for your commitment!


«Stop the dying in the Mediterranean!»

Petition 20.2000
Level: Confederation
Status: Rejected


07.01.20: Submission of the petition

Numerous supporting organisations submit a petition with 25,000 signatures calling on the Federal Council and Parliament to take immediate measures to ensure that people in distress at sea in the Mediterranean are rescued and taken in quickly and in a decentralised manner.

“1. Switzerland should participate in the establishment of a civilian sea rescue system organised and financed at European level.

2. Switzerland should support the distribution of people rescued from distress at sea. In doing so, humanitarian principles and the rule of law shall be observed.

3. the Federal Council and Parliament should create the legal basis for the rapid and decentralised reception of boat refugees in Switzerland.”

Demands of the petition End the deaths in the Mediterranean.

National Councillor Mattea Meyer submitted a motion of the same name 19.3479 on this issue. It was rejected in December 2020.

18.12.20: Rejection in the National Council

For the request of the majority … 100 votes
For the request of the minority … 90 votes
(4 abstentions)

18.03.21: Rejection in the Council of States

For the request of the majority … 25 votes
For the request of the minority … 13 votes
(6 abstentions)

Read more: Petition “Stop dying in the Mediterranean!” also rejected in the Council of States

Press reports

Das Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen!
Am 7. Januar haben Vertreter*innen von Solinetzte.ch und dem Netzwerk migrationscharta.ch die Petition „Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen!“ bei der Bundeskanzlei in Bern abgegeben.

Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen – Petitionsübergabe
Fast 25’000 Personen unterschrieben die Petition, die gestern der Bundeskanzlei in Bern überreicht wurde.

Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen!
In der heutigen Infosendung sprechen wir über Motion und Petition «Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen!» und mit einer Wassersommelière über ihren Beruf.

Petition für die Seenotrettung

«Kaisten (AG): 500 people for Aargau – 2 people for Kaisten»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Kaisten (AG)
Status: Rejected


04.03.21: Submission of the petition to the Kaisten municipal council

11.03.21: Rejection by the municipal council

“Since the beginning of the admission obligation or quota, the municipality of Kaisten has always fulfilled it. Often more people have been admitted and cared for than the municipality would have been obliged to.

The measure demanded in the petition has already been practised by the municipality of Kaisten for many years and is thus also implemented. For this reason, the municipal council refrains from signalling to the asylum office of the Department of Health and Social Affairs its willingness to take in two additional refugees.”

Excerpt from the answer of the Kaisten municipal council

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Accepting families from Kara Tepe»

M 2730 - proposition de motion
Level: Canton
Canton: GE
Status: Accepted


Geneva, February 8, 2021

Kara Tepe, north of Mytilene (Lesbos), is the new camp where about 10,000 survivors of the fire in the previous camp (Moria camp) are locked behind a triple row of barbed wire. The conditions of detention, for it is indeed a detention, of these refugees from Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan are even worse than in the Moria camp.

The proposed motion asks the city of Geneva to join the call to welcome some of these refugees. It also requests the Cantonal Council of Geneva to propose to the Federal Council to prioritize families with children and at the same time to offer the accommodation of 5 to 10 families.

04/03/2021 Immediate discussion accepted
04/03/2021 Urgency accepted
05/03/2021 Subject adopted with amendment(s) and referred back to the Cantonal Council

2nd prompt (new wording) – to propose that the Canton of Geneva takes in 20 families.

Press reports

Une goutte d’eau d’humanité dans un océan d’injustice et de violence

Bien qu’insatisfait par le caractère minimaliste de cette motion PDC, le groupe Ensemble à Gauche a néanmoins soutenu cette dernière demandant que le canton de Genève accueille 10 familles de réfugiés vivant dans le camp de Kara Tepe sur l’île de Lesbos

Evacuer d’urgence les réfugié-e-s des îles grecques

Jean Ziegler et Ilias Panchard demandent que «l’Appel de Pâques» pour l’accueil en Suisse de 5000 réfugié-e-s en provenance des camps grecs soit entendu par la Confédération.

Genf soll 20 Familien aus Moria aufnehmen

Zwanzig Familien aus dem Flüchtlingslager Moria in Griechenland sollen im Kanton Genf aufgenommen werden. Das Kantonsparlament hat dies am Freitag angenommen.

«Evacuate now! Refugees from Greece need our protection!»

Motion 248-2020
Level: Canton
Canton: BE
Status: Rejected


16.09.20 Submission

“The Government Council is instructed to make representations to the Confederation and to signal its willingness to accept a contingent of refugees stranded in Greece in addition to the legally defined distribution key (Art. 21 Asylum Ordinance 1). In Switzerland, their asylum application should then be dealt with in a regular manner.”

Demand of the motion

26.11.20 Declared urgent

03.02.21 Rejection by the Government Council

Government Council requests rejection, as it considers Switzerland’s efforts to be sufficient and sees no need for action by the canton.

Decision of the Government Council.

15.03.21 Rejection in the Grand Council (70 yes, 81 no, 6 abstentions).

Voting record.


«Kaiseraugst (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Kaiseraugst (AG)
Status: Rejected


18.11.20: Request to the municipality of Kaiseraugst (AG),

  • to agree to take in 4 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in people who have fled.

14.12.20: Rejection by the municipal council

“The municipal council rejects the request […] to take in four refugees. However, in the event of a cantonal request, the municipal council is happy to consider taking in four more people.”

Resolution of the Municipal Council of 14.12.20

The following points are made in justification:

  • The allocation of refugees to the municipalities is the responsibility of the federal government and the canton.
  • The municipality of Kaiseraugst already looks after twice as many people as it has to according to the cantonal requirement (43 instead of 18.55 people).
  • The municipality had the capacity to take in four more people. It would consider taking them in if the canton made a request.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Brittnau (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Brittnau (AG)
Status: Pending


Request to the municipality of Brittnau (AG),

  • to agree to take in 3 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Lengnau (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Lengnau (AG)
Status: Pending


Request to the municipality of Lengnau (AG),

  • to agree to take in 2 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Möhlin (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Möhlin (AG)
Status: Pending


Request to the municipality of Möhlin (AG),

  • to agree to take in 8 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Hägglingen (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Hägglingen (AG)
Status: Rejected


18.01.21: Request to the municipality of Hägglingen (AG),

  • to agree to take in 2 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in people who have fled.

04.02.21: Rejection by the municipal council

“The municipality of Hägglingen is neither authorised nor entitled to take in additional refugees to the existing quota outside the ordinary asylum procedure.

Should the Federal Council make a decision in favour of the applicant, the municipality of Hägglingen will fulfil the tasks assigned to it in the asylum system.”

Decision of the Municipal Council of 04.02.21

In its rejection, the municipality refers to the responsibilities of the federal government and the canton. The costs incurred by the municipality, which are “not assessable”, also speak against the voluntary acceptance of refugees from Moria.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Neuenhof (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Neuenhof (AG)
Status: Rejected


25.11.20: Request to the municipality of Neuenhof (AG),

  • to agree to take in 7 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

09.12.20: Rejection by the municipal council

In justifying its rejection, the municipal council refers to the responsibilities of the federal government and the canton. The municipality of Neuenhof has an obligation to take in 22 persons, but is already looking after 57 persons in the cantonal accommodation and 30 persons in the municipality’s own accommodation. It is thus already making an above-average contribution in the asylum sector. In conclusion, the municipality states:

“We are not opposed to accepting additional persons in the canton of Aargau. However, in the view of the municipal council, the reception of additional asylum seekers must continue to be carried out via the cantonal shelters, as there is a great need for integration efforts, especially in the first period after arrival, which only the cantonal asylum centre can provide. The communes lack the possibilities and necessary resources for the necessary care and support.”

Excerpt from the response of the municipal council

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Ammerswil (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Ammerswil (AG)
Status: Pending


Request to the municipality of Ammerswil (AG),

  • to agree to take in 1 refugee from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Tägerig (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Antrag aus der Bevölkerung
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Tägerig (AG)
Status: Rejected


28.11.20: Request to the municipality of Tägerig (AG),

  • to agree to take in 1 refugee from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

07.12.20: Rejection by the municipal council

“Taking into account the considerations, the additional reception of a refugee by the municipality of Tägerig (rent of suitable premises) cannot be granted.”

Decision of the municipal council of 07.12.20

The municipality argues that it already looks after more people than it has to according to the cantonal key. Moreover, neither suitable premises nor the financial means are available to take in another person.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Ennetbaden (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Ennetbaden (AG)
Status: Rejected


Request to the municipality of Ennetbaden (AG),

  • to agree to take in 3 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

The request was rejected.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Muri (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Muri (AG)
Status: Pending


Request to the municipality of Muri (AG),

  • to agree to take in 6 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Rietheim (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Rietheim (AG)
Status: Pending


Request to the municipality of Rietheim (AG),

  • to agree to take in 1 refugee from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Rekingen (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Rekingen (AG)
Status: Pending


Request to the municipality of Rekingen (AG),

  • to agree to take in 1 refugee from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Leuggern (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Leuggern (AG)
Status: Pending


Request to the municipality of Leuggern (AG),

  • to agree to take in 2 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Koblenz (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Koblenz (AG)
Status: Pending


Request to the municipality of Koblenz (AG),

  • to agree to take in 1 refugee from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in refugees.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Gipf-Oberfrick (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Gipf-Oberfrick (AG)
Status: Rejected


02.01.21: Submission of the petition to the municipal council of Gipf-Oberfrick.

“The petitioners request the municipal council to inform the canton that the municipality is prepared to take in three […] refugees. They expect the communal council to show solidarity in this matter and to give feedback on its decision.”

Excerpt from the petition to the municipality of Gipf-Oberfrick

13.01.21: Rejection by the municipal council.

“The municipal council takes note of the petition. In principle, it supports all measures that alleviate the plight of the refugees in the various camps. However, it is not within its competence to take in refugees itself and to bear the costs.

Decision of the Municipal Council of 13.01.21

In its statement of reasons, the municipal council points out that it is the responsibility of the federal government. Moreover, it could not decide on the admission of three refugees without the consent of the communal assembly, as this would cause additional annual costs of around CHF 100,000. The municipality is already involved in the care of refugees beyond the required quota.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Frick (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Frick (AG)
Status: Accepted


Motion to the municipality of Frick,

  • to agree to take in 4 refugees from Moria;
  • To call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in people who have fled.

26.04.21: Commitment by the municipal council

The municipal council is prepared to take in 4 more refugees in Frick “provided the federal government would heed the call of the Easter Appeal and evacuate 5,000 people from Greek camps, 500 of whom would have to be taken over by the canton of Aargau.”

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.


«Eiken (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Eiken (AG)
Status: Rejected


29.11.20: Application to the municipality of Eiken to take in 2 refugees from Moria.

25.01.21: Rejection by the municipal council.

“The municipal council has discussed your letter and must state that the municipality cannot offer any free living space for further refugees. The existing space is already occupied. The municipality fulfils the cantonal admission requirement and therefore has no need to rent additional living space to accommodate further persons.”

Excerpt from the response of the Eiken municipal council dated 25.01.21

Response from the Eiken municipal council

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Oberrohrdorf (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Oberrohrdorf (AG)
Status: Rejected


03.12.20: Application to the municipality of Oberrohrdorf to take in 3 refugees from Moria.

Rejection by the municipal council:

“The municipality council is prepared to continue to accept asylum seekers with F status in the future, as far as the available accommodation facilities allow. In doing so, it adheres to the requirements of the Confederation and the Canton as far as this is possible, but it cannot take in any additional persons at present for the reasons already considered.”

Excerpt from the response of the municipal council

Full response of the municipal council, page 1

Full response of the municipal council, page 2

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Zofingen (AG): Reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Zofingen (AG)
Status: Pending


19.10.20: In an interpellation, the SP demands the admission of refugees from the (new) Moria camp on Lesbos.

“The city council of Zofingen is asked to answer the following questions

  • Is the city council prepared to take in 9 refugees from Moria? If not, why not?
  • Is the town council prepared to call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria? If not, why not?
  • Is the city council prepared to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar initiatives to take in people who have fled? If not, why not?”

27.01.21: Rejection of the interpellation by the city council

The city council rejects all three points of the interpellation with the following reasons (full answers in the PDF below):

The responsibility lies with the federal government and not with the canton or the city of Zofingen. The town is already heavily involved in this issue and is currently taking care of 20 more people than it should according to the cantonal key (65 instead of 45.17 people). For this reason, no further admission is necessary at the moment. Accordingly, the city does not want to turn to the federal government to demand communal reception facilities, nor does it want to network with other cities that are willing to take in refugees.


Agenda for the Residents’ Council meeting on 22 March 2021.

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Safe harbour Kriens – Reception of refugees»

Anfrage aus der Bevölkerung
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Kriens (LU)
Status: Accepted


03.12.20: Inquiry from the population by e-mail

In the letter, the situation in the camps at the European external borders and Switzerland’s options for action are discussed. Various cities and municipalities in Switzerland have already publicly declared their willingness to take in more refugees: “The dossier is a federal matter, but we still need courageous cities that exert pressure and signal to the federal government that a humane refugee policy is feasible. As a resident of Kriens, I would be very happy if Kriens also became a safe harbour and supported this cause.”

06.01.21: Acceptance in the city council

“The City Council considered your letter and the request contained therein at the City Council meeting of 06 January 2021. The City Council supports the appeal to the federal government to allow direct admission from Moria and calls on the federal government to enter into dialogue with municipalities and cities for implementation.”

Reply from the City of Kriens


«Buchs (SG): Taking in refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Buchs (SG)
Status: Accepted


31 March 2021 Accepted

The city council emphasizes its open attitude and confirms its willingness to continue to accept additional refugees beyond the established cantonal distribution key. Furthermore, the city council of Buchs wants to communicate its position to the federal government accordingly.

10 February 2021 Handing over the petition to the town council

In Buchs, 81 signatures were collected for a petition for the attention of the town council. In it, the town is asked to “declare its willingness to accept refugees from the Greek islands, to communicate this decision publicly and to forward it to the Federal Council”.


Press reports

Die Stadt Buchs soll ein Zeichen setzen gegen das Flüchtlingselend
Barbara Gähwiler hat der Stadt 81 Petitionsunterschriften überreicht. Gefordert wird die Aufnahme von Geflüchteten in den Lagern auf den griechischen Inseln.

«Laufenburg: Taking in refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Laufenburg (AG)
Status: Accepted


04.01.2021 Request to the town of Laufenburg to take in 3 refugees from Moria.

13.01.2021 The Laufenburg town council adopts the following positive resolution:

The Laufenburg Town Council thanks IG Asyl Laufenburg and all the signatories for their statements regarding the devastating conditions throughout Europe. Based on the statements made by IG Asyl Laufenburg and the Laufenburg Regional Social Service, the Laufenburg Town Council has discussed the issue in detail.

The Laufenburg town council declares its willingness to take in refugees. The Laufenburg Regional Social Service is instructed to inform the cantonal authorities of this decision and to represent the position of the Laufenburg Town Council.

The Laufenburg Town Council would like the IG Asyl Laufenburg to contribute and support the care and integration of refugees. It would be pleased to receive suggestions and offers in this area from IG Asyl Laufenburg.

Resolution of the Laufenburg Town Council, http://seebruecke.ch/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Zusage-Laufenburg.pdf

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


«Petition for the reception of refugees from the camps on the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Turgi (AG)
Status: Rejected


04.01.21 Rejection by the local council

“Petition for the reception of refugees from the camps on the Greek islands”.

On 1 December 2020, the petition for a commitment of our municipality to take in refugees from the camps on the Greek islands was presented to the municipal council. The petition was signed by 4 residents of the municipality of Turgi. The petition criticises the situation in the camps on the Greek islands. According to the information in the petition, the Federal Council has accepted 53 underage refugees from the camps who already have relatives in Switzerland. Around 50,000 people in Switzerland, the national churches and more than 130 organisations support the Easter appeal of the campaign of Amnesty International, Evacuate NOW and the Migration Charter, the petitioners say. Furthermore, the eight largest cities in Switzerland have joined the appeal. They are calling for the federal authorities to take in refugees.

The petition submitted to the municipal council specifically demands that the municipal council agrees to take in refugees from the Greek islands and to publicly communicate this decision and forward it to the Federal Council.

The municipal council dealt with the petition at its meeting on 14 December 2020 and decided that it would not act on the demands of the petition. The federal government is responsible for taking in refugees / asylum seekers from abroad. In principle, the municipality cannot directly take in persons from abroad. The municipality is responsible for taking in refugees / asylum seekers who are assigned to it by the canton and takes care of their accommodation and integration.

According to the reception quota prescribed by the canton of Aargau, the municipality of Turgi has to provide accommodation for 9 persons. Turgi is already exceeding this obligation with a total of 19 persons. However, the view of the petitioners about the precarious conditions in the camps is shared by the municipal council. However, the municipal council is also convinced that the Federal Council will make prudent decisions in this regard and supports it in carrying out its duties at the level of the municipality.”

Municipal News Turgi of 04.01.21

01.12.20 Submission of the petition in the municipality of Turgi

Press reports

Gemeinderat reagiert auf Petition: Turgi will keine Flüchtlinge aus Moria
Baden hingegen ist gewillt, 14 Personen aus griechischen Lagern aufzunehmen, sofern die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen geschaffen werden.

«Winterthur agrees to take in refugees from Moria»

Öffentliche Solidaritätsbekundung
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Winterthur (ZH)
Status: Accepted


Winterthur in September 2020

After the fire in Moria, Winterthur declares its solidarity with the refugees on the Greek islands. Nicolas Galladé, a city councillor from Winterthur, emphasises that now is not the time for apportioning blame. The federal government must take action now. Along with nine other Swiss cities, Winterthur will lobby the federal government to accept more people in Switzerland.

Zurich had demanded that the federal authorities immediately convene a national conference on the direct reception of refugees. Numerous cities and municipalities are willing to take in people from Moria. It is now up to the federal government to finally make use of this offer.


Press reports

Asylpolitik in Winterthur: Bund blockiert Städte bei der Aufnahme von Geflüchteten
Im Juni hat sich Winterthur mit sieben weiteren Schweizer Städten dazu bereit erklärt, mehr Flüchtlinge direkt aus griechischen Camps aufzunehmen. Der Bundesrat habe dieses Angebot «klar abgelehnt».

Winterthur und St.Gallen unterstützen Forderungen der Stadt Zürich
Die Schweiz soll den Flüchtlingen der griechischen Insel Lesbos helfen. Der Stadtrat Zürich hat in einer Mitteilung gefordert, dass der Bund den Weg zur Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen freimacht, die Städte St.Gallen und Winterthur unterstützten die Forderung.

Mitte-Links-Allianz fordert: Winterthur soll Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen
Der Stadtrat soll sich “aktiv einsetzen” rasch Flüchtlinge aus Lesbos aufzunehmen, fordert eine Mehrheit im Gemeinderat, von AL bis GLP.

«Weinfelden calls for the admission of more people in need»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Weinfelden (TG)
Status: Rejected


17. June 2020 Submission Interpellation

Following the rejection of the petition of October 2020, the SP Weinfelden asks with this Interpellation to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the city of Weinfelden willing to report the reception of refugees (especially of unaccompanied minors) to the federal government?
  2. If there is a will: Which infrastructures are missing for an admission?
  3. In what time frame can they be built?

The SP Weinfelden asks this to the city council, since in 2019 the account 5730 Asylum achieved a surplus of over 360’000 francs. In 2020, a surplus of 330,000 francs remained. It is clear that the account 5730 has been in positive figures for years.

25. November 2020 Rejection

In the answer to the petition, the city council writes that the city of Weinfelden is of course ready to accept refugees who are allocated by the federal government or the canton. But the admission of people is not isolated, it comes with appropriate and continuous attendance to the refugees. However, Weinfelden does neither have the necessary space nor personnel resources to adequately respond to this circumstance, it first needs to be developed.

21. October 2020 Submission

Switzerland only takes in 53 people in need. That is not enough and Weinfelden wants to change that. The echo of Evacuate NOW not only reaches the big cities, but also Weinfelden. A petition demands the acceptance of refugees from the Aegean islands as well as exerting pressure on the Federal Council. SP board members Dana Wassmann and Xenja Magri collected 107 votes to support their demands. There is much more behind the petition. The two women demand and constructively criticise by proposing accommodation and care plans for the people, all of whom can be accommodated.


Press reports

Die SP der Stadt Weinfelden hat im Oktober eine Petition an den Stadtrat eingereicht, in der sie die zusätzliche Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen von den griechischen Inseln fordert. Der Stadtrat hat nun auf das Anliegen geantwortet.

Einsatz für Flüchtlinge auch in Weinfelden
Die SP Weinfelden hat dem Stadtrat eine Petition überreicht. Sie fordert die Aufnahme von Geflüchteten von den Ägäis-Inseln in der Stadt selbst sowie Druck auszuüben auf den Bundesrat.

Stadtrat appelliert an Bundesrätin Keller-Sutter Petitionäre fordern die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen in Kreuzlingen. Rechtlich sind dem Stadtrat die Hände gebunden. Er wendet sich deshalb an Bundesrätin Karin Keller-Sutter und verlangt ein grösseres Engagement der Schweiz bei der Bewältigung dieser humanitären Krise.

«Support and reception of refugees from the burnt-down Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Wil (SG)
Status: Accepted


The urgent interpellation of the SP parliamentary group calls for the admission of refugees from the burnt-down Moria camp:


Adoption of the interpellation on 05.11.2020

The city council allocates 10,000 Swiss francs to support the refugees and signals to the St.Gallen government that the city of Wil is prepared to take in refugees.

Answer of the City Council

Press reports

SP fordert, Wil soll Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen: «Vor unseren Augen spielt sich eine humanitäre Katastrophe ab» Nach dem Brand im Flüchtlingslager Moria auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos haben verschiedene Schweizer Städte angeboten, Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen. Geht es nach der SP, soll Wil diesem Beispiel folgen.

«Supporting and accommodating refugees from the burnt-out camp in Moria»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Wil (SG)
Status: Accepted


The SP faction’s urgent interpellation calls for the admission of refugees from the burnt-out camp in Moria:


Acceptance of interpellation on 05.11.2020

The city council speaks of 10,000 francs in support of the fugitives and signals to the government of St. Gallen that the city of Wil is ready to welcome the refugees.

Press reports

SP fordert, Wil soll Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen: «Vor unseren Augen spielt sich eine humanitäre Katastrophe ab»
Nach dem Brand im Flüchtlingslager Moria auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos haben verschiedene Schweizer Städte angeboten, Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen. Geht es nach der SP, soll Wil diesem Beispiel folgen.

«St.Gallen agrees to take in refugees from Moria»

L'expression publique de la solidarité
Level: Municipality
Municipality: St. Gallen (SG)
Status: Accepted


St. Gallen in September 2020

After the fire in Moria, St. Gallen declares its solidarity with the refugees on the Greek islands. Sonja Lüthi, St. Gallen city councillor, publicly declares that it is high time to finally become active and take action. Along with nine other Swiss cities, St. Gallen will lobby the federal government to accept more people in Switzerland.

Zurich had demanded that the federal authorities immediately convene a national conference on the direct reception of refugees. Numerous cities and municipalities are willing to take in people from Moria. It is now up to the federal government to finally make use of this offer.


Press reports

Brand in Moria: Ostschweiz soll Flüchtlinge aufnehmen

«Wir können die Augen vor dem Elend nicht verschliessen»
Avec des banderoles sur des maisons vides du centre ville, un collectif réclame l’accueil des réfugiés du camp incendié de Moria. Le conseil municipal de Saint-Gall affirme que des mesures doivent être prises. Mais pour ce faire, il faut mettre sur la table une solution commune avec la Confédération et les cantons.

Winterthur und St.Gallen unterstützen Forderungen der Stadt Zürich
La Suisse doit aider les réfugiés de l’île grecque de Lesbos. Dans une déclaration, le conseil municipal de Zurich a exigé que le gouvernement fédéral ouvre la voie à l’accueil des réfugiés, ce que les villes de Saint-Gall et de Winterthur ont soutenu.

«Quota solution for asylum»

Motion M 194
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Nidau (BE)
Status: Rejected

«Protection and due asylum procedure for the people from the destroyed refugee camp»

Demande simple
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Gossau (SG)
Status: Rejected


10 September 2020
Simple question by Monika Gähwiler-Brändle (SP)

“Is the city council prepared to also lobby the federal government to ensure that the federal asylum centres and the cantonal centres are used more again by offering protection to the refugees from Lesbos and from the other Greek islands in Switzerland and thus also guaranteeing them a proper asylum procedure?”

24 September 2020
Response of the City Council

“Due to the existing distribution of competences in the asylum procedure between the Confederation, the cantons and the municipalities, the City Council considers a procedure at the cantonal level to be more expedient. If cantons speak out to the federal government in favour of accepting people from the refugee camp, this is more effective than if cities speak out in favour of it on an isolated basis. This is also because the distribution of persons in the asylum procedure is carried out by the federal government via the cantons and not directly to the municipalities.

Press reports

«Postulate on safe ports and escape routes»

Postulat P 137
Level: Canton
Canton: LU
Status: Rejected

Press reports

SP fordert Hilfe für Menschen in Seenot

Les conflits politiques et les conflits armés obligent des millions de personnes dans le monde entier à fuir leur foyer. Les frontières extérieures de l’Union européenne sont un charnier. Des milliers de personnes sont mortes en essayant de trouver une protection en Europe contre les persécutions, la guerre et la misère. D’ici 2019, selon les chiffres de l’ONU, plus de 1000 personnes se seront noyées en Méditerranée. Le PS demande maintenant au gouvernement de revoir la manière dont le canton de Lucerne peut accueillir les réfugiés des navires en Méditerranée afin qu’ils puissent avoir accès à une procédure d’asile équitable. Des quotas devraient être définis à cette fin, à l’instar de ce qui a déjà été fait par un certain nombre d’autres villes et régions européennes.

Luzern will keine zusätzlichen Flüchtlinge
Le parlement cantonal ne veut rien savoir de l’admission volontaire. Le canton de Lucerne n’accepte pas plus de réfugiés que ne l’exige le gouvernement fédéral. Les Verts et le PS avaient exigé à deux reprises que Lucerne accueille des réfugiés supplémentaires arrivant dans les ports européens. Mais le parlement cantonal n’a pas voulu le savoir.

Luzern soll keine zusätzlichen Flüchtlinge aufnehmen

Le Conseil cantonal de Lucerne ne veut pas que le canton accueille plus de réfugiés que ce que la Confédération lui alloue. Elle le justifie par le fait que la politique d’asile est une affaire de la Confédération et que Lucerne ne peut pas résoudre les problèmes mondiaux.

«Postulate on the reception of refugees stranded in European countries»

Postulat P 163
Level: Canton
Canton: LU
Status: Rejected

Press reports

Postulat über die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen, die in europäischen Ländern stranden
Monique Frey et les cosignataires demandent au Conseil de gouvernement d’accepter les réfugiés arrivant dans les ports européens et de ne pas fermer les centres d’asile existants, de travailler avec le gouvernement suisse pour que la Suisse participe à un quota de distribution européen et de faire une offre au gouvernement pour accepter une partie du contingent suisse à Lucerne.

Luzern will keine zusätzlichen Flüchtlinge
Le parlement cantonal ne veut rien savoir de l’admission volontaire. Le canton de Lucerne n’accepte pas plus de réfugiés que ne l’exige le gouvernement fédéral. Les Verts et le PS avaient exigé à deux reprises que Lucerne accueille des réfugiés supplémentaires arrivant dans les ports européens. Mais le parlement cantonal n’a pas voulu le savoir.

Luzern soll keine zusätzlichen Flüchtlinge aufnehmen
Le Conseil cantonal de Lucerne ne veut pas que le canton accueille plus de réfugiés que ce que la Confédération lui alloue. Elle le justifie par le fait que la politique d’asile est une affaire de la Confédération et que Lucerne ne peut pas résoudre les problèmes mondiaux.

«Thun: Postulate on cities showing solidarity in asylum policy»

Postulat P 9/2020
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Thun (BE)
Status: Rejected


City Council meeting of 12 November 2020, the City Council rejects the postulate.

Submission 11 June 2020, urgency rejected

The Municipal Council is requested to consider the following points:

  1. How the city can use appropriate bodies (such as the Swiss Association of Cities, the Cities’ Initiative for Social Policy, direct talks, etc.) to lobby the federal government to accept additional refugees (from camps on the Greek islands, from sea rescues in the Mediterranean or via the UNHCR resettlement programme) in addition to the people allocated by means of quotas.
  2. Which platforms and media can be used to communicate the demand mentioned in point 1 – as well as the offer of support in its implementation – to the public in order to make more citizens aware of the need for timely action.
  3. How Thun can position and engage itself as a “solidary city” (e.g. analogous to Lucerne[1]). The aim is to radiate a positive, open attitude towards simplified admission procedures and possible direct admission of asylum seekers, as desired by various cities.

[1] www.solidaritycities.eu

Press reports

Scheindebatte oder Notwendigkeit?
Im Stadtrat gehen die Wellen in dieser Zeit hoch. In umstrittenen Themen wie der Asylpolitik sowie der möglichen Verstrickung von historischen Thuner Personen im transatlantischen Sklavenhandel treffen völlig unterschiedliche Meinungen aufeinander.

«Die Demo richtet sich direkt an den Gemeinderat»
Nach dem Grossbrand im Flüchtlingslager von Moria forderten Privatpersonen und mehrere Parteien die Stadt Thun dazu auf, sich gemeinsam mit anderen Schweizer Städten für die Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten einzusetzen. Der Gemeinderat nahm schriftlich Stellung dazu – in den Augen der engagierten Thuner aber unzureichend. Nun gingen sie mit ihrem Anliegen auf die Strasse.

«Save Harbour Berne»

Dringliches Postulat 2020.SR.000344
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bern (BE)
Status: Pending


05.05.2021 Municipal Council has recommended the postulate for approval.

Entry 05.11.2020

In an urgent postulate, Tabea Rai (AL), Eva Gammenthaler (AL) and Katharina Altas (SP) demand on behalf of SEEBRÜCKE Switzerland that the city of Bern should declare itself a safe haven:

“The Municipal Council is requested to examine the feasibility of the following measures to make a municipality a “Safe Harbour”:

  1. declare solidarity with people on the run,
  2. ensure the rapid and uncomplicated reception and accommodation of people rescued from distress at sea in addition to the distribution quota of people seeking protection,
  3. The city of Bern agrees to directly receive and accommodate people rescued from distress at sea, for example from a civilian rescue boat, similar to a relocation programme. This reception is in addition to the distribution quota of asylum seekers. This is implemented in agreement with the Federal Department of Home Affairs and the State Secretariat for Migration,
  4. advocate to the federal government for the establishment of new or the significant expansion of existing programmes for the legal admission of refugees and to offer additional reception places for this purpose,
  5. Provide for long-term arrival by making available all necessary resources for adequate provision, especially in the areas of housing, medical care and education,
  6. to take a public stand against the criminalisation of sea rescue in the Mediterranean and to advocate for state sea rescue at the political level,
  7. to sponsor and financially support or participate in a civilian sea rescue ship Sea-Eye,
  8. actively advocate at regional, national and transnational levels for the implementation of the above,
  9. advocate for an alliance of all “safe havens” in Europe to actively shape a European migration policy in line with human rights,
  10. publicly communicate all actions taken in a timely and ongoing manner that demonstrate Bern’s commitment to being a “Sicherer Hafen.”

The urgency was rejected.

«Call to the community of Teufen: Take in refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Teufen (AR)
Status: Accepted


Submission of the petition to the Teufen (AR) municipal council on 17 September 2020

Positive response from the Municipal Council on 26 October 2020:

“The municipal council has declared its willingness […] to accept refugees from the Greek islands within the scope of the municipality’s legal possibilities, to communicate this decision publicly and to forward it to the Federal Council.

In the hope that with this decision we can make a small contribution to improving the tragic living situation of refugees, we thank you for taking note.”

The petition follows the call of the European Citizens’ Forum EBF:

The situation in the camps on the Greek islands is inhumane

On the night of 8/9 September 2020, a major fire destroyed the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. In one fell swoop, all 12,000 people were homeless and wandering the streets. After the already inhuman situation in the camp, it had now come to a humanitarian catastrophe. As a result, individual EU countries and Switzerland agreed to take in a total of a few hundred people. This minimal number is a disgrace! Many are still homeless and 8,000 people who had to flee the fire in Moria are now harbouring in a new, hastily built camp: without water supply and sewage system, without electricity and heating. The ground of the former firing range is contaminated with ammunition and cartridges as well as undetonated explosive devices are found again and again. The next catastrophe is pre-programmed.

A broad campaign to welcome refugees from the camps

50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Easter Appeal of the campaign of Amnesty International, “Evakuieren Jetzt” and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees. Numerous politicians – across all party lines – have also thrown their weight behind the demands. What counts is not party affiliation, but human conscience. Switzerland’s eight largest cities Zurich, Bern, Basel-Stadt, Lucerne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva have joined this appeal. Cities such as Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Wil (SG) have joined, as have smaller municipalities. Here are excerpts from three smaller municipalities that have already joined the appeal. All of them call on the federal authorities to do more to stop the misery on the Aegean islands and declare their willingness to take in refugees from there. This is not just a moral statement, but a concrete offer that the Federal Council should accept.

The municipalities are the foundation of our democracy!

The hope that the Federal Council would take note of the open attitude of these cities and municipalities has unfortunately not been fulfilled so far. Therefore, as many smaller towns and villages as possible throughout Switzerland should also raise their voices. The more numerous they are, the more it will become clear that there is a will everywhere in our country to help the refugees. At the same time, the chances increase that the Federal Council will finally come to its senses and act humanely. It could already take action today. Contrary to Federal Councillor Keller-Suter’s statements, the legal basis for this already exists today. Therefore, we, the residents of the municipality XYZ, demand from our municipal authorities:

  • to agree to take in refugees from the Greek islands,
  • to communicate this decision publicly and to forward it to the Federal Council.

You can download the petition here and we ask you to become active with it in your circle of acquaintances. You can download a feedback card here or you can send us an email to the following address: ch@forumcivique.org. Thank you in advance for your commitment!


«Neuchâtel agrees to take in refugees from Moria»

Öffentliche Solidaritätsbekundung
Level: Canton
Municipality: Neuchâtel (NE)
Status: Accepted


Neuchâtel in September 2020

After the fire in Moria, Neuchâtel declares its solidarity with the refugees on the Greek islands.

In the canton of Neuchâtel, a debate took place at the end of September before the Grand Council (cantonal legislature), in which an urgent motion was voted on. The motion called on the Federal Council to accept more refugees from the island of Lesbos. Together with many other Swiss cities, Neuchâtel will lobby the Swiss Confederation to allow more people to be accommodated in Switzerland.

Zurich had demanded that the federal authorities immediately convene a national conference on the direct reception of refugees. Numerous cities and municipalities are willing to take in people from Moria. It is now up to the federal government to finally make use of this offer.


Press reports

Asile: La solidarité des villes freinée par le fédéralisme

À l’approche de l’hiver, des villes européennes et suisses souhaitent accueillir des réfugiés en provenance du camp grec de Moria, dévasté par les flammes il y a un mois. Mais cet élan peine à se concrétiser.

Neuchâtel demande à Berne d’accueillir plus de réfugiés de Moria

Le canton de Neuchâtel demande à Berne d’accueillir plus de personnes réfugiées en provenance du camp de Moria sur l’île de Lesbos, qui a brûlé dans la nuit du 8 au 9 septembre.

«Open letter on the situation of refugees in Greece»

Offener Brief
Level: Canton
Canton: NW
Status: Rejected


Around 50 people have signed an open letter to the Nidwalden government. They call on the canton to take action:

“We call on the government of Nidwalden to…

  • to signal to the federal government that the canton of Nidwalden is willing to take in refugees from the overcrowded camps in Greece.
  • to clarify and communicate how many refugees the canton of Nidwalden can take in and care for in a humane manner in the canton.”

    Open letter on the situation of refugees in Greece, Stans in June 2020

In its reply, the canton refuses to take action.

The issue is already being dealt with at the federal level, which makes a demand on the part of the canton superfluous. Moreover, the canton of Nidwalden already takes in the 0.5% of asylum seekers in Switzerland who are allocated according to quota. The canton will again take in eight vulnerable persons in the coming year.


The initiators are not satisfied with this answer.

On 18 August 20 they again addressed a statement to the Government Council of the Canton of Nidwalden:

“We are convinced that the canton of Nidwalden can also make a difference in this situation. And since you unfortunately did not answer our question posed in the open letter, we ask again.

How many refugees can be accommodated in the canton of Nidwalden? In addition, the government council should differentiate between the number under the special provisions due to COVID-19 and the normal situation.

Furthermore, we again call for this figure to be passed on to the federal government, or rather to the SEM.”

Statement on the response letter of the Government Council on the situation of refugees in Greece, Stans in August 2020


At the end of September, the Nidwalden cantonal government again expressed its opposition.

Two of the arguments are already known: Switzerland has already taken in 20 minors. The most important thing is help on the ground.

A new addition is the adoption of the racist argumentation of the Greek government. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis had made it clear directly after the fire at the Moria camp on the night of 9 September 2020 that he did not want people to leave the island. That would send “wrong signals” in this “refugee crisis”. The government would “not be blackmailed”. The arson, which the authorities were quick to attribute to the refugees, should not become a model for other camps to “force” an evacuation (cf. media reports). An image of the refugees as criminal, dangerous and ungrateful was painted in a racist way, trying to justify their inhumane treatment.

Othmar Filliger, CVP, writes on behalf of the government council: “A rapid admission of refugees to other European states would possibly lead to individuals deliberately worsening the situation in other refugee camps in order to force further admissions. This would pose an immense danger to all refugees.”

The newly established camp on Lesbos can be described as an immense danger. The conditions are on a par with those in the burnt-down Moria camp. It was built in a very short time from tents without a floor on a former military site where soldiers were still searching for mines when people had already arrived. It is suspected that this former firing range is highly contaminated with lead. Once a day there is a meal for the refugees. There is never electricity, and water, toilets and showers are almost non-existent. The so-called quarantine station is a section of beach separated from the rest of the closed camp by barbed wire (vgl. NGO-Bericht).

“>see NGO report).

This answer, too, remains unapologetic for all those who are committed to upholding human rights, which are being massively violated on the Greek islands.



Press reports

Appell zur Aufnahme griechischer Flüchtlinge im Kanton Nidwalden Rund 50 Personen haben einen offenen Brief an die Nidwaldner Regierung unterzeichnet. Sie fordern den Kanton zum Handeln auf.

«Thun: Cities set a sign of solidarity – Direct admission of refugees now!»

Postulat P 6/2016
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Thun (BE)
Status: Rejected


17.11.16: Rejection by city and municipal council
03.06.2016: Submission


Press reports

Städte setzen ein solidarisches Zeichen – Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten, jetzt!
Les parlementaires de Thoune, Berne, Köniz et Burgdorf exigent, dans une initiative non partisane et transversale à la ville, que leurs gouvernements utilisent pleinement leur marge de manœuvre : ils demandent l’admission directe des réfugiés et une augmentation du quota d’admission !


«Lausanne is ready to receive refugees from Moria»

L'expression publique de la solidarité
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Lausanne (VD)
Status: Accepted


Lausanne in September 2020

After the fire in Moria, Lausanne declares its solidarity with the refugees on the Greek islands. Back in June, the eight largest cities in Switzerland, including Lausanne, declared their willingness to take in more refugees. This is because these same cities have already shown in the past that they are able to take in and care for a large number of refugees quickly and efficiently.

Zurich had demanded that the federal authorities immediately convene a national conference on the direct reception of refugees. Numerous cities and municipalities are willing to take in people from Moria. It is now up to the federal government to finally make use of this offer.

Press reports

Genf und Lausanne sind bereit zur Aufnahme von Personen aus dem Lager Moria
Les deux villes du lac Léman ont approuvé la proposition de Zurich de demander l’organisation d’une conférence nationale.

«Vernier supports the appeal of “Evakuieren Jetzt”»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Vernier (GE)
Status: Accepted


The appeal calls on the Federal Council and Parliament to bring as many refugees as possible from the Aegean Sea to Switzerland. As a Dublin state, Switzerland shares responsibility for the humanitarian disaster on the Greek islands. It has the necessary capacities and financial means to make a substantial contribution to the evacuation. In view of the progress of the Corona pandemic, time is pressing.

«City of Zurich immediately calls for a national conference on the direct reception of refugees»

Öffentliche Solidaritätsbekundung
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Zürich (ZH)
Status: Accepted


Zurich in September 2020

Raphael Golta, the head of the Social Department of the City of Zurich, calls for a conference on the direct admission of refugees.

In view of the unimaginable conditions in which around 12,500 refugees are living following the burning of the Moria refugee camp on the island of Lesbos, the City of Zurich calls on the federal government to immediately convene a national conference on the direct reception of refugees.

Numerous cities and municipalities are willing to take in people from Moria. It is now up to the federal government to finally make use of this offer.

Press reports

Die Schweiz will zwanzig Minderjährige aus Moria aufnehmen. Die Städte sind zu mehr bereit, doch der Bund blockt. «Beschämend» findet das die Kirche
Eigentlich wäre alles bereit: Zürich, die Kirchen, sie alle wollen Menschen aus dem niedergebrannten griechischen Flüchtlingslager Moria aufnehmen. Die Kritik am Bund wächst.

«Zürich könnte 800 Menschen aufnehmen»
Karin Keller-Sutter stellt sich taub, doch die Städte lassen sich nicht beirren: Sie machen weiter Druck für die sofortige Evakuierung von Geflüchteten aus Lesbos

Zürcher Stadtrat Raphael Golta «Wir sind bereit, uns zu engagieren»
Schweizer Städte sind bereit, Flüchtlinge aus dem abgebrannten Flüchtlingslager auf Moria aufzunehmen. Der Zürcher Stadtrat Raphael Golta sagt, der Bund müsse einen Schritt auf die Städte zugehen.

«City of Lucerne confirms willingness to take in refugees from Moria»

Öffentliche Solidaritätsbekundung
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Luzern (LU)
Status: Accepted


Lucerne in September 2020

In response to the fire in the Moria refugee camp on Lesbos, city councillor Martin Merki reaffirms the willingness of the city of Lucerne to take in more refugees than the federal government actually envisages via a media release.

Even though Swiss asylum policy is fundamentally the responsibility of the federal government, the cities and municipalities are traditionally important partners – for example in the actual integration work.

The City of Lucerne supports the proposal of the City of Zurich and calls on the federal government to immediately convene a national conference and to concretely implement the direct admission of refugees.

Press reports

Nach Brand in griechischem Flüchtlingslager: Luzern will Betroffene aufnehmen In der Nacht auf Mittwoch wurde das Flüchtlingslager in Moria Raub der Flammen. Angesicht der prekären Lage der auf der Insel Lesbos lebenden Flüchtlinge wollen mehrere Schweizer Städte konkrete Hilfe leisten.

«City of Bern wants to take in refugees from Moria»

Öffentliche Solidaritätsbekundung
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bern (BE)
Status: Accepted


Bern in September 2020

In the wake of the fire in the Moria refugee camp on Lesbos, the municipal council of the city of Bern calls on the federal authorities to allow the direct admission of refugees now. At the same time, it declares its willingness to grant refuge in Bern to a group of twenty people from Moria as a first step.

The city’s mayor, Alec von Graffenried, is also of the opinion that action must be taken immediately. He tweeted this in response to the publication of the communiqué addressed to the federal authorities.

Press reports

Stadt Bern will Flüchtende aus Moria aufnehmen

Nach dem verheerenden Brand im griechischen Flüchtlingslager Moria will die Stadt Bern sofort handeln: Der Gemeinderat will in einem ersten Schritt 20 Flüchtende aufnehmen.

Bern will 20 Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen
Mehrere Länder und Regionen wollen den Migranten aus dem abgebrannten Lager helfen. Nordrhein-Westfalen will 1000 Flüchtlinge aufnehmen, die Niederlande winken ab.

Wohin mit den Flüchtlingen aus Moria?
(Ab Minute 9) Moria, Symbol für Europas Versagen, gibt es nicht mehr. Nach einem zweiten Feuer im Migranten-Lager sind auch die letzten Unterkünfte auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos zerstört. 12’000 Menschen stehen vor dem Nichts – was soll mit ihnen geschehen?

«Sanctuary city Lucerne – the city of Lucerne as a safe haven»

Postulat 228
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Luzern (LU)
Status: Accepted

«Kreuzlingen shows solidarity with people in Moria»

Offener Brief
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Kreuzlingen (TG)
Status: Accepted


Kreuzlingen in September 2020

After the fire in the Moria refugee camp at the beginning of September, the Kreuzlingen city council addressed a written appeal to Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter.

In this public letter, the city council makes it clear that Kreuzlingen would be willing to accept almost 200 more people than are currently accommodated in the Federal Asylum Centre. The capacities are far from being exhausted. There are also concrete plans for quick and humane care. Here, the city council wants to actively cooperate with the Thurgau working group for asylum seekers.

This was preceded by two petitions submitted to the city council. One at the end of August by former SP councillor Heinz Schmid and independently, in mid-September, by SP councillor Adrian Knecht. The petitioners wrote that they were convinced that it was the duty of every European municipality to work within its means to remedy these wretched and shameful conditions.


Press reports

Der nächste Appell nach Bern: Kreuzlingen könnte im Bundesasylzentrum Flüchtlinge von den griechischen Inseln aufnehmen
Nach dem Drama von Moria zeigt sich die Grenzstadt solidarisch und schreibt Bundesrätin Karin Keller-Sutter einen Brief. Zwei Petitionen gelangten an den Stadtrat, mit der Bitte, das Engagement zugunsten der Geflüchteten zu erhöhen. Die Stadtregierung gibt dieses Begehren, mit Nachdruck und angereichert mit konkreten Vorschlägen weiter.

«Nein zur rassistischen SVP»
In Kreuzlingen machen junge Aktivisten auf sich aufmerksam. Sie haben mit Kreide vor den Häusern verschiedener SVP-Gemeinderäte den Schriftzug «Ja zur Geflüchtetenaufnahme. Nein zur rassistischen SVP» angebracht. Dies, weil die SVP sich dagegen aussprach, Flüchtlinge aus dem abgebrannten griechischen Flüchtlingslager Moria aufzunehmen.

«Concrete support to the city of Geneva for the reception of refugees and the creation of living space»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genève (GE)
Status: Accepted


05.06.19: Announced.

24.06.19: Urgency adopted. Referred to the Committee on Social Cohesion and Youth.

19.04.21: Majority and minority reports of the Committee on Social Cohesion and Youth to examine the draft deliberation of June 5, 2019 of Messrs. Tobias Schnebli, Maria Pérez, Alfonso Gomez, Ariane Arlotti, Delphine Wuest, Morten Gisselbaek, Pascal Holenweg, Annick Ecuyer, Gazi Sahin, Maria Casares, Brigitte Studer, Albane Schlechten, Ahmed Jama and Emmanuel Deonna: “A concrete support of the City of Geneva for the reception and creation of housing for migrants and refugees”

26.04.2022: Urgency accepted. Conversion into motion (M-1683).

27.04.2022: Motion accepted.

More information:



«Köniz: Cities set a sign of solidarity – Direct admission of refugees now!»

Postulat 1620
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Köniz (BE)
Status: Rejected


14.11.16: abgelehnt
07.11.16: verschoben
08.09.16: Dem Parlament vom Gemeinderat zur Ablehnung empfohlen.
20.06.16: Eingabe


Press reports

Städte setzen ein solidarisches Zeichen – Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten, jetzt!
Parlamentarier_innen aus Thun, Bern, Köniz und Burgdorf verlangen in einem überparteilichen und städteübergreifenden Vorstoss von ihren Regierungen, ihren Handlungsspielraum auszuschöpfen: Sie fordern die Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten und die Erhöhung des Aufnahmekontingents!

«Cities of refuge, solidarity is necessary»

Motion M-1191
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genève (GE)
Status: Accepted

«Cities of Refuge, solidarity is needed»

Motion M-1191
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genève (GE)
Status: Accepted

«Burgdorf: Cities set a sign of solidarity – direct admission of refugees now!»

Postulat / SRB: 2016-56
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Burgdorf (BE)
Status: Accepted


20.06.2016 Submission of the postulate by SP, Greens and EPP: Cities set a sign of solidarity – Direct admission of refugees now!


  • The municipal council is asked to consider increasing the admission quota of refugees in accordance with the approach of the city of Zurich, at least in the order of 0.25 per cent of the resident population.
  • The municipal council is asked to consider taking in displaced people directly from camps for refugees, in line with the approach of the city of Barcelona.”

Full text of the postulate.

07.11.2016 Decision: “The City Council unanimously agrees to the referral and simultaneous write-off of the postulate.”

“The City of Burgdorf has faced the problem from the beginning and full of conviction we are doing our part. Unfortunately, the focus in Burgdorf is still only on underground accommodation. This is not ideal, but all our efforts, especially in the AMP area, to provide above-ground accommodation have failed. At least it can be stated that many more people are accommodated in Burgdorf. There are about 300 people and that is significantly more than the canton expects from Burgdorf according to the key. The figures are listed in detail in the proposal. The city of Burgdorf is also a role model for its willingness to take in people. The quota in Burgdorf is very good. The postulate also calls for refugees to be accepted directly and without bureaucracy. At this point, we refer to the GR’s response to a similar motion by the SP parliamentary group. Refugee reception in Switzerland has been introduced in a process. It does not make sense for a city like Burgdorf to go it alone. It is much more important that we ensure a good and smooth coexistence on the ground and do our part.”

Excerpt from the response of the mayor Elisabeth Zäch


Press reports

Städte setzen ein solidarisches Zeichen – Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten, jetzt!
Parlamentarier_innen aus Thun, Bern, Köniz und Burgdorf verlangen in einem überparteilichen und städteübergreifenden Vorstoss von ihren Regierungen, ihren Handlungsspielraum auszuschöpfen: Sie fordern die Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten und die Erhöhung des Aufnahmekontingents!

«Biel: Cities set a sign of solidarity – direct admission of refugees now!»

Postulat 20160212
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Biel (BE)
Status: Accepted


23.02.17: Point 1 of the postulate is declared significant and written off as fulfilled, point 2 is declared significant.


Press reports

Bieler Hilfsorganisation in Not
Ein paar Bieler Freunde gründeten letzten Herbst die Organisation «Stand up for Refugees». Nach einem Aufruf über Facebook unterstützten sie innert kürzester Zeit tausende Helfer aus der ganzen Schweiz. Jetzt ist die Organisation selber in Gefahr: Weil sie keinen Ersatz für ihr Lager in Biel findet.

Städte setzen ein solidarisches Zeichen – Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten, jetzt!
Parlamentarier_innen aus Thun, Bern, Köniz und Burgdorf verlangen in einem überparteilichen und städteübergreifenden Vorstoss von ihren Regierungen, ihren Handlungsspielraum auszuschöpfen: Sie fordern die Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten und die Erhöhung des Aufnahmekontingents!

«Baden: Solidarity of cities in times of crisis»

Dringliche Anfrage
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Baden (AG)
Status: Accepted


Urgent request to the City of Baden in August 2020

The City of Baden is asked to comment on the following questions:

“1) Do you share the view that, in principle, sufficient structures would be in place to receive asylum seekers in Switzerland now?

2) Do you have existing structures or buildings in your city that could be used to accommodate additional refugees?

3) Are you prepared to take in additional refugees in your city (from camps on the Greek islands, from sea rescues in the Mediterranean or via the UNHCR resettlement programme) in addition to the people allocated by means of quotas?

4) Will you signal such willingness to the federal government and the SEM and also communicate it to the public?

5) What other efforts are you making to ensure that the right to asylum is upheld even in times of crisis and that Switzerland’s humanitarian tradition continues?”


City Council response in September 2020

In the reply letter, the city council basically expresses a positive attitude towards accepting refugees: “If the federal government and the canton create the legal requirements […] the city of Baden is prepared to consider additional admissions”. The willingness to accept refugees is to be communicated to the federal government via the city’s social policy initiative.


In August 2020, letters were sent to various municipalities and city governments to continue building pressure for the reception of refugees from the Greek camps: “It is important now not to resign but to remain active. We already have the commitment of the eight biggest cities to take in refugees, but we need more. For this purpose, we have created a letter template that you can simply fill out with your city and your name and print it out. Please send the answers to Seebrücke and to us at info@evakuieren-jetzt.ch. You can find the letter template at www.evakuieren-jetzt.ch/files/Dringliche_Anfrage.pdf“, says the Evacuate NOW appeal.

«Call to the community of Saignelégier: Take in refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Saignelégier (JU)
Status: Accepted


The municipal council of Saignelégier agrees to a petition to take in refugees directly from the Greek islands and to signal this to the Federal Council accordingly.

The petition follows the call of the European Citizens Forum EBF:

The situation in the camps on the Greek islands is degrading

During the night of 8/9 September 2020 a major fire destroyed the refugee camp of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. At one stroke, all 12,000 people were homeless and wandered the streets. After the already inhumane situation in the camp, the humanitarian disaster had now become a reality. Subsequently, a few EU countries and Switzerland agreed to take in a few hundred people. This minimal number is a disgrace! Many are still homeless and 8,000 people who had to flee the fire in Moria are now waiting in a new, hastily built camp: without water supply and sanitation, without electricity or heating. The floor of the former firing range is contaminated with ammunition and again and again cartridges and non-detonated explosives are found. The next catastrophe is pre-programmed.

A broad campaign to take in refugees from the camps

50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Os-ter appeal of Amnesty International’s Evacuation NOW campaign and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees. Numerous politicians – across all party lines – have also lent their support to these demands. What counts is not party affiliation, but the human conscience. The eight largest cities in Switzerland – Zurich, Berne, Basel City, Lucerne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva – have all joined in this appeal. Cities like Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Wil (SG) have joined, as have smaller municipalities. Here you will find extracts of three smaller municipalities that have already joined the appeal. All of them call on the federal authorities to do more to stop the distress on the Aegean islands and declare their willingness to take refugees from there. This is not just a moral statement, but a concrete offer which the Federal Council should accept.

The municipalities are the foundation of our democracy!

The hope that the Federal Council would take note of the open attitude of these towns and municipalities has unfortunately not been fulfilled so far. For this reason, as many smaller towns and villages throughout Switzerland as possible should also make their voices heard. The more numerous these are, the more it becomes clear that there is a willingness everywhere in our country to help the refugees. At the same time, the chances are increasing that the Federal Council will finally come to its senses and act in a humane manner. The Federal Council could take action today. Contrary to what Federal Councillor Keller-Suter said, the legal foundations for this already exist today. This is why we, residents of the municipality XYZ, demand that our municipal authorities take action:

  • to agree to accept refugees from the Greek islands,
  • communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council.

You can download the petition here and we ask you to become active in your circle of friends. Here you can download a feedback card or you can send us an email to the following address: ch@forumcivique.org. Thank you in advance for your commitment!


«Open safe, legal humanitarian corridors coordinated with the EU and third countries.»

Motion 15.3487
Level: Confederation
Canton: AG
Status: Transformed or canceled

«Bülach: Emergency aid for refugees»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bülach (ZH)
Status: Rejected


17 December 2020 Rejection

The proposal to the Council was rejected by 18 against 9 votes, although the City Council had previously agreed to accept the postulate. It was pointed out that the federal and cantonal governments are responsible for direct admissions. Instead, the City Council paid 50,000 francs for aid abroad.

“Because the Federal Council has so far refrained from direct admissions, it is up to the municipalities to urge it to change direction,” said Dominik Berner (SP)

20 September 2020 Submission
Postulate by Dominik Berner(SP) and co-signatories:

“The City Council is invited to signal to the Federal Council, as other cities and municipalities have already done, their willingness to directly admit refugees from the Syrian-Turkish and Turkish-Greek border areas and to call on the Federal Council to allow these direct admissions now.

The City Council is also invited to examine how a direct admission and accommodation of refugees in the Müliweg asylum centre would be possible in a timely manner in the event that direct admissions are approved by the federal government.”

Press reports


Gemeinderäte und der SP Bülach und Grünen Bülach fordern den Stadtrat auf sich für die Direktaufnahme von Flüchtlingen aus dem Ägäischen Raum stark zu machen.

Medienmitteilung der SP Bülach Gemeinderäte der SP und der  Grünen Bülach fordern den Stadtrat auf, sich für die Direktaufnahme von Flüchtlingen aus dem ägäischen Raum stark zu machen.

«Reception of refugees from Moria camp»

Postulat d'urgence
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Baden (AG)
Status: Accepted


In an urgent postulate, the SP calls for the admission of refugees from the (new) Moria camp in Lesbos.

“The Baden municipal council is requested to take in 14 refugees from Moria; to call on the canton and the federal government to take the necessary steps to enable the refugees from Moria to be received; to coordinate with the cities and municipalities in the canton of Aargau, as well as with Basel, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar steps to receive refugees”.

The Baden city council gave a positive response to the postulate:

“The city of Baden wants to take in 14 refugees from the Moria camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, which was destroyed by fire. The refugees from Lesbos “are in a humanitarian emergency situation”, the town council explains in its response to the urgent postulate of town councillor Nora Langmoen (SP).

However, the municipal council made it a condition of admission that the legal requirements were met. The reception of refugees is regulated at federal level. The city of Baden therefore informed the municipal council of its willingness to do so. It is in contact with the federal government on this issue and is coordinating with other Swiss towns that have declared their willingness to accept refugees. The city of Baden has also already made contact with these municipalities in Canton Aargau.
Badener Tagblatt of 26.11.20

The residents’ council accepted the postulate on 08.12.20 with a clear majority.


Press reports

Nach Inferno auf Lesbos: Baden soll 14 Flüchtlinge aufnehmen Les conseils d’habitants de cinq factions demandent au conseil municipal de Baden d’accueillir 14 réfugiés qui ont été hébergés dans le camp de réfugiés détruit de Moria à Lesbos.

«Inquiry into the reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Neuchâtel (NE)
Status: Accepted


The Neuchâtel Grand Council accepted on Wednesday, 30 September 2020, by an overwhelming majority (96 yes, 3 no and 6 abstentions), an urgent resolution asking the Federal Council to increase the quota of refugees from Lesbos.

In Neuchâtel, it was a coalition of the centre-right and the left that brought the subject before the General Council, which almost unanimously supported a text calling for the reception of about fifty refugees. The decision as to the number of refugees that can be received by Switzerland is a federal responsibility, but it can be valuable for our government to know that, on the ground, public authorities are ready to commit themselves to receiving the victims of this humanitarian tragedy.

“Our multicultural city has a fine tradition of solidarity with refugees. Whether through the work done by the city services, the religious communities and their self-help work or the rich fabric of associations active in the field of integration. Once again we have the opportunity to live up to this tradition.

Therefore, we would like to ask the Municipality the following question:

Is the Municipality willing to join the Appeal of Swiss Cities and to write to the Confederation to inform it of its readiness to welcome victims, in particular families and unaccompanied minors, of the humanitarian tragedy that the fire in Moria represents”.

Press reports

Le Grand Conseil veut aider les réfugiés de Moria

Mercredi, les députés neuchâtelois se sont prononcés en faveur d’une aide envers les réfugiés du camp grec de Moria, qui a été ravagé par les flammes.

Neuchâtel demande à Berne d’accueillir plus de réfugiés de Moria

Le canton de Neuchâtel demande à Berne d’accueillir plus de personnes réfugiées en provenance du camp de Moria sur l’île de Lesbos, qui a brûlé dans la nuit du 8 au 9 septembre.

«Geneva is ready to receive refugees from Moria»

L'expression publique de la solidarité
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genf (GE)
Status: Accepted


Geneva in September 2020

After the fire in Moria, Geneva declares its solidarity with the refugees on the Greek islands. Already last June, the eight largest cities in Switzerland, including Geneva, declared their willingness to take in more refugees. This is because these same cities have already shown in the past that they are capable of receiving and caring for a large number of refugees quickly and efficiently.

Zürich hatte von den Bundesbehörden gefordert umgehend eine nationale Konferenz zur Direktaufnahme Geflüchteter einzuberufen. Zahlreiche Städte und Gemeinden sind bereit, Menschen aus Moria aufnehmen. Es liegt nun beim Bund, dieses Angebot endlich zu nutzen.

Press reports

Die Schweiz möchte 20 unbegleitet minderjährige Geflüchtete aus Moria aufnehmen La Suisse prévoit d’accueillir une vingtaine de mineurs non accompagnés qui ont fui le camp de Moria, sur l’île grecque de Lesbos, victime d’un important incendie. Le DFAE a annoncé qu’un avion chargé de matériel médical doit décoller vendredi.

Genf und Lausanne sind bereit zur Aufnahme von Personen aus dem Lager Moria Les deux villes du lac Léman ont approuvé la proposition de Zurich de demander l’organisation d’une conférence nationale.


«Refugees in the Mediterranean»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Aarau (AG)
Status: Rejected

«Canton of Lucerne’s standing initiative on the admission of people on the run»

Motion d'urgence M 216
Level: Canton
Canton: LU
Status: Rejected


14.09.20: Rejection in the Cantonal Council

22.06.20: Consultation in the Cantonal Council

02.06.20: Statement of the Government Council

18.05.20: Eingabe des Vorstosses im Kantonsrat


The canton of Lucerne rejects the initiative for the admission of refugees by SP cantonal councillor Sara Muff. Back in May, she demanded that Lucerne lobby the federal government to take in refugees from the Greek islands. Cantonal Councillor Sara Muff expresses her disappointment at today’s vote: “The Lucerne Cantonal Council has decided today not to act. It is thus complicit in the situation on Lesbos. As long as politicians only do what they cannot remove from their area of responsibility, the deaths at Europe’s external borders will continue.

“We can hardly believe this decision less than a week after the devastating fire in Moria. It is absolutely incomprehensible that the canton is not prepared to ask the federal government for admission in this emergency. It could thus clear the way for the nine cities willing to take in refugees, including the city of Lucerne,” says Anne Noack of SEEBRÜCKE Switzerland. Last Wednesday, the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos burned down. Almost 13,000 people have been homeless and barely provided for on the island’s streets since then. The only acceptable solution to this humanitarian disaster is the immediate evacuation of all refugees from the island.

In Switzerland, the nine cities of Bern, Basel, Zurich, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lucerne, Geneva, Lausanne and Delemont have once again clearly expressed their willingness to receive refugees in recent days.

However, Federal Councillor Keller-Sutter had argued that there was no legal basis for the admission. The group AsyLex writes that this is not correct: “Swiss law explicitly states that refugees can be admitted to Switzerland for “humanitarian reasons”. Both Swiss immigration law and European Dublin law stipulate that refugees should enter Switzerland for “humanitarian reasons” and be accepted into the asylum procedure here.
should be accepted. Apart from these legal foundations, the Federal Council can also decide on its own authority to admit refugees to Switzerland. The Federal Council has already adopted several resettlement
resettlement programmes on its own authority, e.g. a few years ago for the entry of Syrian refugees from abroad. In view of the current devastating situation for refugees on Lesvos and the Covid 19 pandemic, humanitarian reasons are clearly given.

Together with 130 other organisations in the Evacuate Now alliance and thousands of people who have expressed their support at numerous demonstrations over the past few days, SEEBRÜCKE Switzerland is calling for the immediate evacuation of refugees from the island of Lesbos and for the Federal Council to agree to take them into Swiss cities.

Press reports

Kanton Luzern setzt sich nicht ein
Le canton de Lucerne rejette l’initiative professionnelle d’accepter des personnes dirigées par la conseillère cantonale PS Sara Muff. Dès le mois de mai, elle a exigé que Lucerne fasse pression sur le gouvernement fédéral pour qu’il accueille les réfugiés des îles grecques.

Kanton Luzern verzichtet auf Standesinitiative zur Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen
Malgré l’actualité du camp de réfugiés grec Moria à Lesbos : le parlement cantonal de Lucerne a décidé de ne pas faire pression sur le gouvernement fédéral pour qu’il accepte des réfugiés. Une initiative professionnelle n’est pas le bon instrument, selon la majorité.

Besonderer Empfang für Luzerner Kantonsrat
Le Conseil cantonal se réunit ce lundi à la foire pour la session de mai. Avant le départ, des militants et de jeunes politiciens ont attiré l’attention sur leurs revendications par un rassemblement.

«Wir fordern sofortiges Handeln!»: Juso will den Kantonsrat auf die Situation von Flüchtlingen aufmerksam machen
La ville de JS à Lucerne veut attirer l’attention sur les conditions actuelles dans les camps de réfugiés en Grèce par une action. En outre, la session extraordinaire du Conseil cantonal a voté sur l’urgence d’une motion du conseiller cantonal du PS demandant à la Confédération d’agir.

Flüchtlingshilfe Griechenland
Diverses organisations en Suisse tentent depuis des semaines de faire évacuer le camp de Moria à Lesbos et d’y accueillir des réfugiés. Une exigence qui devient maintenant aussi un enjeu à Lucerne.

Lancierung Petition: Evakuierung Moria
Le 11 mai, le JUSO de la ville de Lucerne, en collaboration avec le Seebrücke Luzern, a lancé une pétition demandant au gouvernement cantonal de Lucerne de faire pression sur le gouvernement fédéral pour l’évacuation immédiate du camp de réfugiés de Moria en Grèce. En même temps, la pétition vise à signaler que le canton de Lucerne est prêt à accueillir des réfugiés.

SP-Kantonsrätin verlangt von der Luzerner Regierung Soforthilfe für Flüchtlinge
Dans une motion urgente, Sara Muff exige que le conseil du gouvernement soumette une initiative professionnelle correspondante au gouvernement fédéral.

Muff fordert, dass die Schweiz handelt
Sara Muff, conseillère cantonale PS, a présenté une motion d’urgence sur la situation actuelle des réfugiés.

Rund 300 Demonstranten zogen durch die Stadt Luzern
Mercredi soir, quelque 300 personnes ont participé à un tandem spontané dans la ville de Lucerne. Les manifestants ont critiqué le traitement des fugitifs à la frontière turco-grecque. Un conseiller cantonal du PS de Lucerne a présenté une motion d’urgence sur la situation en Méditerranée.

«Humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean. Switzerland to participate in the distribution mechanism of the “Coalition of the Willing”»

Motion 19.4033-19.4037
Level: Confederation
Canton: AG
Status: Rejected



21.09.21: rejected by the National Council (authority in charge: Justice and Police Department)
20.11.19: The Federal Council moves that the motion be rejected.
17.09.19: submitted


Visit here for more information.

Press reports

Schweizer Städte wollen mehr Bootsflüchtlinge aufnehmen – und dürfen nicht
Zürich, Bern und Basel wollen die EU-Grenzstaaten entlasten. Doch das Staatssekretariat für Migration blockt ab.

Ein entscheidender Wendepunkt für die Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer?
15 Monate nach der Schliessung der italienischen Häfen müssen die europäischen Staaten – und damit auch die Schweiz – wieder einen rechtlichen und koordinierten Rahmen für Rettungseinsätze schaffen.

Neue Motion fordert die Aufnahme von Mittelmeer-Flüchtlingen – das musst du wissen
Eine Allianz aus Vertretern aller grosser Parteien – ausser der SVP –, reichte am Dienstag eine Motion zur Seenotrettung ein. Sechs Nationalräte sehen in der Mittelmeer-Flüchtlingsfrage raschen Handlungsbedarf: Sie fordern daher, dass die Schweiz direkt Bootsflüchtlinge aus Italien und Malta aufnimmt.

Neue Motion fordert die Aufnahme von Mittelmeer-Flüchtlingen – das müssen Sie wissen
Eine Allianz aus Vertretern aller grosser Parteien – ausser der SVP –, reichte am Dienstag eine Motion zur Seenotrettung ein.

Die Schweiz soll Bootsflüchtlinge direkt aus Italien aufnehmen
Eine breite Allianz will, dass die Schweiz zwei Prozent der aus Seenot Geretteten aufnimmt. Die Politiker schlagen zwei Möglichkeiten vor.

«Reception of refugees from Moria camp»

Dringliches Postulat
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Baden (AG)
Status: Accepted


In an urgent postulate, the SP calls for the admission of refugees from the (new) Moria camp in Lesbos.

“The Baden Town Council is requested to accept 14 refugees from Moria;
to invite the Canton and the Confederation to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of the refugees from Moria;
to co-ordinate with the cities and municipalities of the Canton Aargau, as well as with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which are taking similar steps to receive refugees”.

The Baden city council gave a positive response to the postulate:

“The city of Baden wants to take in 14 refugees from the Moria camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, which was destroyed by fire. The refugees from Lesbos “are in a humanitarian emergency situation”, the town council explains in its response to the urgent postulate of town councillor Nora Langmoen (SP).

However, the municipal council made it a condition of admission that the legal requirements were met. The reception of refugees is regulated at federal level. The city of Baden therefore informed the municipal council of its willingness to do so. It is in contact with the federal government on this issue and is coordinating with other Swiss towns that have declared their willingness to accept refugees. The city of Baden has also already made contact with these municipalities in Canton Aargau.
Badener Tagblatt from 26.11.20

The residents’ council accepted the postulate on 08.12.20 with a clear majority.


Press reports

Nach Inferno auf Lesbos: Baden soll 14 Flüchtlinge aufnehmen Einwohnerrätinnen und Einwohnerräte aus fünf Fraktionen fordern den Badener Stadtrat dazu auf, 14 geflüchtete Menschen aufzunehmen, die im zerstörten Flüchtlingslager Moria auf Lesbos untergebracht waren. Baden will 14 Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen – unter einer Bedingung Der Badener Stadtrat will die Forderung erfüllen, die Politiker von SP bis GLP nach dem verheerenden Brand im Flüchtlingscamp auf der Insel Lesbos gestellt hatten.

«For the urgent installation of a shelter for refugees in the city of Geneva»

Motion M-1237
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genève (GE)
Status: Accepted

«Refugee tragedies in the Mediterranean. Rapid and massive concrete help on the ground and creating doors in Fortress Europe»

Motion 15.3484
Level: Confederation
Canton: AG
Status: Rejected

«Submission of a professional initiative on the reception of people from Greece and utilisation of asylum centres»

Antrag 20.5108.01
Level: Canton
Canton: BS
Status: Accepted


01.02.2022 Acceptance of the initiative

On 01.02.22 the commission accepted the initiative with the casting vote of the president Marco Romano, from the EVP, after tie of 3:3 was achieved.

Decision and statement of the commission

10.02.2021 Transfer to government council for execution

16.12.2020 Statement of the Government Council

Transfer in October 2020

Report of the BZ:

“The Basel government should make a commitment to the Federation to accept refugees from Greece. The Grand Council has referred a proposal to the executive for a professional initiative to this effect.

The government had agreed to take up the initiative for the professional initiative. The spokesmen of the bourgeois factions were opposed to this. It was not the task of the cantons and cities to pursue asylum policy. Moreover, the distribution of refugees from Greece was in any case a pan-European matter.

On the other hand, the left wing of the Council stressed that it was important to send out clear signals at federal level. Switzerland and the canton of Basel-Stadt had the financial means and the necessary infrastructure to accommodate more people in need.

Finally, a majority of the Grand Council, by a ratio of 44 votes to 35, voted in favour of transferring the request for a professional initiative.

Application in March 2020

The Government Council is instructed to submit the following professional initiative on behalf of the Canton of Basel-Stadt to the Federal Assembly, based on Art. 160 para. 1 of the Federal Constitution:

“The Federal Parliament and the federal authorities are requested to ensure that people on the Greek islands are offered protection in Switzerland so that they can have a proper asylum procedure here
can be guaranteed. The Federal Parliament should also instruct the Federal Council to fully utilise the capacities of the federal asylum centres and the cantonal asylum centres. The Federal Council should also call on other states in Europe to do the same”.

More information on decision 20.5108

Press reports

Kanton fordert Schweiz zur Aufnahme von mehr Flüchtlingen auf
Die Basler Regierung verlangt vom Bund, mehr Flüchtlinge aus Griechenland aufzunehmen. Im Kanton könnte man 30 Menschen mehr versorgen.

Basel soll sich in Bern für Flüchtlingsaufnahmen einsetzen
Die Basler Regierung soll sich beim Bund für eine Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen aus Griechenland starkmachen. Der Grosse Rat hat der Exekutive einen Vorstoss für eine entsprechende Standesinitiative überwiesen.

Regional Journal  Basel
Der Basler Grosse Rat verlangt vom Bund, Flüchtlinge aus Griechenland aufzunehmen

Moria brennt – was tut Basel?
Basel-Stadt zeigt sich schon früher bereit, Flüchtlinge aus Griechenland aufzunehmen. Der Bund reagiert nicht auf das Angebot. Eine Standesinitiative versucht, Druck zu machen.

Basler*innen fordern Regierungsrat zur Aufnahme Geflüchteter aus Moria auf!
Am letzten Donnerstag startete BastA! einen dringenden Aufruf, Menschen aus dem Flüchtlingslager Moria aufzunehmen. Heute morgen bekräftigte BastA! das Anliegen, indem sie Papierschiffe an Gross- und Regierungsrät*innen verteilte. Der Basler Regierungsrat ist dringlich aufgefordert zu handeln und nach Kräften dem Elend auf Lesbos mit Solidarität und Menschlichkeit zu begegnen.

«Refugee drama in the Mediterranean. Establish legal and safe escape and migration corridors.»

Level: Confederation
Canton: AG
Status: Rejected

«Direct reception of refugees from sea rescue operations»

Postulat 2018.SR.000170
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bern (BE)
Status: Pending


All details about the demand.

30.08.2018: Input

“The intergroup postulate (2016.SR.000112) has already called for “Direct admission of refugees, now!” and the municipal council has declared its willingness to lobby the federal government for the admission of additional resettlement refugees, either on its own or within the framework of existing channels. The postulate of the Free Group “The city of Bern should become a city of refuge and join the European network” (2016.SR.000268) also states in the response of the municipal council that the request has been taken up by the Cities’ Conference on Social Policy and is being discussed.

The municipal council is asked to examine how it can use suitable bodies, e.g. via the association of cities or direct talks with the federal government, to campaign for refugees to be taken off the ships in the Mediterranean. Bern should join cities such as Palermo, Berlin, Barcelona, Kiel, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Naples in offering refugees protection.”

Excerpt from the postulate on the direct reception of refugees from sea rescues

27.02.19: The Municipal Council asks the City Council to declare the postulate significant.

Minutes of the Municipal Council.

«The city of Bern should become a city of refuge and join the European network»

Postulat 2016.SR.000268
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bern (BE)
Status: Accepted

«Delémont agrees to receive refugees from Moria»

L'expression publique de la solidarité
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Delémont (JU)
Status: Accepted


Delémont in September 2020

After the fire in Moria, Delémont declared its solidarity with the refugees on the Greek islands. Damien Chappuis, Mayor of Delémont, followed the situation in Lesbos on the day of the fire and discussed with the town council what can be done now. Along with nine other Swiss cities, Delémont will lobby the Swiss government to ensure that more people can be accommodated in Switzerland.

Zurich had demanded that the federal authorities immediately convene a national conference on the direct admission of refugees. Numerous cities and municipalities are ready to receive people from Moria. It is now up to the Confederation to finally make use of this offer.


Press reports

Damien Chappuis: «Delémont est prête à accueillir des migrants de Moria» Le maire de la capitale jurassienne attend un signal «clair et rapide» de la Confédération pour réfléchir à comment offrir un abri aux migrants dont le camp grec a brûlé la semaine dernière

«Bülach supports refugees»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bülach (ZH)
Status: Rejected


The appeal to the city council of 8 April 2020 states:

“Dear Mr President
Dear Sir or Madam

Conditions in the Syrian-Turkish, Turkish-Greek border areas and elsewhere are unsustainable. We will not stand idly by and watch this humanitarian disaster unfold. We also have a duty to offer our support for rapid and efficient assistance.

We therefore make the following demands to the authorities of the city of Bülach:

  • The city makes a substantial financial contribution to non-profit organisations with a focus on refugee aid. This is to be in addition to the already budgeted amount for development aid at home and abroad. The referendum of 10 June 2001 contains the necessary legal framework.
  • The authority would take the necessary steps to take in 20 particularly vulnerable refugees directly from the crisis areas (1 per thousand of the resident population) and would make a corresponding offer to the competent federal authority.

Given the urgency of our concern, we are choosing this route of a public appeal. The current situation allows the authority to act quickly and unconventionally”.

05/2020 advertisement

In the City Council’s response, it says: “The City Council is also concerned about the conditions in the Syrian-Turkish and Turkish-Greek border areas, which have been exacerbated by the Corona situation”. For this reason, the city council stated at the beginning of April in the
Foreign aid CHF 15,000 transferred to the Swiss Red Cross for the benefit of local refugees. The city council also decided to donate a one-off sum of CHF 50,000 in 2020 in addition to the normal foreign aid budget for the refugees.

A partial success for the initiative. With regard to the demand for direct admission, the city council refers to the responsibility of the federal government. The Zürcher Unterländer reports on this: However, Dieter Liechti believes that the city could easily knock on the door of the federal government. There is no reason why the municipalities should not send a signal to Bern. “In Bülach we have the necessary infrastructure, the money and the people to take in additional refugees. He was aware, however, that not all people would see it that way.

06/2020 Answer from the City Council

06/2020 Media report

Press reports

«Bülach könnte noch mehr Geflüchtete aufnehmen»
Le comité “Bülach soutient les réfugiés” souhaite que la ville accueille vingt personnes particulièrement vulnérables. Le conseil municipal nie toute responsabilité.

«Biel will join the European network of cities of refuge»

Dringliches Postulat 20170053
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Biel (BE)
Status: Accepted

«Willingness to accept additional refugees»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Solothurn (SO)
Status: Accepted


“The city of Solothurn is looking into ways of signalling to the State Secretariat for Migration and the United Nations International Organization for Migration that it is prepared to accept additional refugees – similar to the offers already made by other Swiss cities such as Basel, Bern and Zurich”.

The postulate is declared significant on 16.06.20.

«Basel is by the sea – Signature of the Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea»

Procès 19.5453.01
Level: Canton
Canton: BS
Status: Pending


16.10.19 Entry

Suit Sarah Wyss and consorts regarding Basel is by the sea – signing of the Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea

20.11.2019 Voting in the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt

Transfer with 49 yes to 41 no votes

Further processing pending.

«Basel as a city of refuge»

Procès 18.5300
Level: Canton
Canton: BS
Status: Rejected


The suit was submitted in October 2018 and transferred to the Government Council in November 2018. In Switzerland, Geneva and Basel are pioneers in offering sans-papiers a place of refuge.

“Europe’s promise to respect human rights is being broken every day. The current European asylum policy no longer serves primarily to protect refugees, but rather to protect the borders. Despite
Continuing conflicts in countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, Southern Sudan, Myanmar or Somalia and increasing numbers of refugees worldwide are already reducing the number of refugees finding protection in Europe. People seeking protection
but must have access to a fair and constitutional trial in Europe. Instead of national go-it-alones at the borders and in the ports, there is a need for a solidarity-based reception in which the states are involved in
the southern external borders are not given sole responsibility for asylum seekers.

The dramatically worsening situation in the Mediterranean calls for our solidarity and for effective action at long last to save people in distress and enable them to be disembarked in the nearest European port. They should then be received in various countries. If even wealthy nations close their borders to refugees, other states will follow suit. That is why a responsible policy of safe escape routes and open ports is needed in Europe. And this must be actively supported.

The term “cities of refuge” can be used to describe those cities that demand the direct reception of refugees or migrants from abroad in a particular city. At the moment
Europe Initiatives at city level aimed at a liberal reception policy for refugees. At the end of July a conference of progressive cities with
Palermo and Barcelona and probably Berlin and Bari. This is no coincidence, because cities have always been places of migration and refugee reception worldwide. Given the limitations of nation-states
Refugee regimes move cities to the fore.

The Government Council is therefore asked to examine how it can use appropriate bodies (e.g. association of cities, direct talks, etc.) to lobby the Federation to take in refugees from ships in the Mediterranean. Basel should join the ranks of cities such as Palermo, Berlin, Barcelona, Kiel, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Naples in offering refugees protection”.

On November 10, 2020, the Grand Council of Basel decided to dismiss the suit

On Feb. 10, 2021, the members of the Grand Council voted on the dismissal. With 48 to 44 votes, the suit “Basel as a city of refuge” was registered as conclusively dealt with

More information on decision 18.5300

Press reports

Zufluchtsstädte – eine US-Bewegung erreicht die Schweiz
Aux États-Unis, de plus en plus de villes prennent en charge les autorités fédérales. En tant que “villes sanctuaires”, elles protègent les migrants sans papiers contre les politiques d’immigration sévères du président Donald Trump. En Suisse, Genève et Bâle sont pionnières dans l’offre aux sans-papiers d’un lieu de refuge où ils ne doivent pas craindre d’être arrêtés et déportés.


Aufenthalt von Sans-Papiers in der Schweiz legalisieren: Fünf Fragen und Antworten
On estime que jusqu’à un quart de million de personnes vivent en Suisse sans avoir de statut de résidence légal. Plusieurs villes veulent améliorer la situation des sans-papiers.


Basel soll Stadt der Zuflucht werden
Discours au Grand Conseil sur le procès de Beda Baumgartner

«Basel agrees to accept refugees from Moria»

L'expression publique de la solidarité
Level: Canton
Canton: BS
Status: Accepted


Basel in September 2020

After the fire in the Moria refugee camp, Basel also agrees to take in additional people. National Councillor Sibel Arslan calls on her canton to show solidarity with the refugees on Lesbos and in the camps.

The canton of Basel-Stadt thus joins the ranks of ten Swiss cities that would all be prepared to welcome refugees into their midst in addition to the quota.


Press reports

Basel will Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen
Le canton signale à la Confédération sa volonté d’apporter un soutien aux migrants. Il y a aussi des critiques à ce sujet – le Grand Conseiller de l’UDC Joël Thüring parle de “promouvoir l’inhumanité”.

Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen – Jetzt
Le temps est compté. Les gens du camp ont besoin d’aide. Un commentaire de Sandro Benini

Basel soll Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen
Après l’incendie du camp de réfugiés, la conseillère nationale Sibel Arslan demande au gouvernement d’offrir une protection à 50 personnes.

«Push for the reception of refugees from the Moria camp»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Neuchâtel (NE)
Status: Accepted


On Wednesday 30 September 2020, the Neuchâtel Grand Council adopted by an overwhelming majority (96 votes in favour, 3 against and 6 abstentions) an urgent resolution calling on the Federal Council to admit more people from the Moria camp in Lesbos.

In Neuchâtel, it was a coalition of centre-right and left-wing parties that brought the issue before the General Council, which almost unanimously supported a text calling for the admission of some fifty fugitives. The decision on the number of refugees that can be accommodated by Switzerland is a federal responsibility, but it can be valuable for the Confederation to know that the authorities on the ground are ready to help take in the victims of this humanitarian tragedy.

“Our multicultural city has a fine tradition of solidarity with refugees. Be it through the work of the municipal services, through the religious communities and their mutual assistance or through the numerous associations working in the field of integration. Once again we have the opportunity to live up to this tradition.

Therefore we would like to ask the city administration the following question:

Is the municipality willing to join the appeal of the Swiss cities and to inform the Confederation in writing that it is ready to receive the victims, in particular families and unaccompanied minors fleeing the humanitarian tragedy represented by the fire in Moravia”?

Press reports

Le Grand Conseil veut aider les réfugiés de Moria

Mercredi, les députés neuchâtelois se sont prononcés en faveur d’une aide envers les réfugiés du camp grec de Moria, qui a été ravagé par les flammes.

Neuchâtel demande à Berne d’accueillir plus de réfugiés de Moria

Le canton de Neuchâtel demande à Berne d’accueillir plus de personnes réfugiées en provenance du camp de Moria sur l’île de Lesbos, qui a brûlé dans la nuit du 8 au 9 septembre.

«Increasing reception capacity in the face of refugee tragedies»

Motion - M-1195 - 173ème (2015-2016)
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Genève (GE)
Status: Accepted

«Urgent appeal to the Thun municipal council: Direct admission of refugees now!»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Thun (BE)
Status: Rejected


Political parties, various organisations and individuals from
Civil society has called on Thuns Municipal Council to act following the fire at the Moria refugee camp in Lesbos:

Appeal for the reception of poultry

In its reply, the municipal council refers to the competence of the federal government. Although it is prepared to participate in the elimination of the humanitarian disaster, it does not want to exceed its competences.

Answer of the local council

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist photo_2020-10-15_17-21-38-1024x682.jpg
A demonstration by Thun on 10.10.20 supports the demands of the appeal:
Thun, take in fugitives!


Press reports

«Die Demo richtet sich direkt an den Gemeinderat»
Suite à l’incendie majeur du camp de réfugiés de Moria, des particuliers et plusieurs partis ont demandé à la ville de Thoune de s’associer à d’autres villes suisses pour accueillir directement des réfugiés. Le conseil municipal a répondu par écrit, mais aux yeux des citoyens engagés de Thoune, c’était insuffisant. Maintenant, ils sont descendus dans la rue avec leur demande.

«Assistance to Greece – reception of refugees»

Postulat d'urgence 394
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Luzern (LU)
Status: Accepted


14.05.20: completely transferred
09.03.20: Input

Press reports

Hilfe für Griechenland – Aufnahme von Geflüchteten
Le Conseil municipal de Lucerne doit examiner combien de personnes vivant à la frontière gréco-turque peuvent être hébergées dans la région de Lucerne avec effet immédiat. Les conditions sur le terrain sont intenables – le conseil municipal devrait également faire pression sur le canton et le gouvernement fédéral pour obtenir un soutien dans la zone frontalière touchée et pour l’accueil des réfugiés en Suisse. C’est ce que demande le conseiller municipal Christov Rolla dans un effort urgent.

«Take in 500 refugees from Moria now!»

Motion d'urgence 2020.SR.000283
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bern (BE)
Status: Accepted


Submission on 10 September 2020

Simone Machado, GaP, Zora Schneider, PdA as well as Tabea Rai and Eva Gammenthaler, AL demand with an urgent motion that the city of Bern take in 500 refugees from Moria:

“Yesterday, 9 September 2020, the refugee camp “Moria” on the island of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea (GR) was burnt down and completely destroyed. The camp has been “the shame of Europe” for many years, as the author of the book of the same name, Jean Ziegler, aptly put it. Some 13,000 people live in and around the camp, which would have been designed to accommodate 3000 people. […]

After the outbreak of the corona virus in recent weeks, the situation has now completely escalated and the camp has been destroyed by a fire with several sources of fire. According to media reports, 13,000 people have become homeless and a supply of food and tents is not possible because the Greek security forces have sealed off the area.

Local councillor Franziska Teuscher has now announced that she will take in 20 refugees. This is far too little for the capital of the rich country of Switzerland. Berne is to take in 500 people, because Berne can easily pay for these people financially and accommodation can be arranged at short notice”.

The local council recommended that the proposal be accepted:

“The local council is very aware of the problem. It has already repeatedly advocated the additional reception of refugees and is prepared to take responsibility for this. The municipal council is committed to this issue both directly at federal level and in the context of the municipal social policy initiative together with other cities. For the last time, it reacted immediately after the fire in the Moria refugee camp, confirmed its willingness to take in additional refugees and called on the federal government to take in additional refugees immediately or to allow direct admission in view of the urgent situation. It intends to continue its commitment to this in the future.

On 05.11.20 the proposal was referred by 53 votes to 17 and declared to be substantial.

Press reports

Bundesstadt soll 500 Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen
Après l’incendie de l’île de Lesbos, le conseil municipal bernois avait accepté d’accueillir 20 personnes. Cela ne suffit pas pour le conseil municipal.

Bern soll 500 Flüchtlingen aus Moria aufnehmen
Le conseil municipal de Berne exige l’accueil de 500 réfugiés de Moria. Avec 53 voix contre 17, il a renvoyé une motion d’urgence au groupe parlementaire libre jeudi.

Die Stadt Bern soll 500 Flüchtlinge aus dem abgebrannten griechischen Flüchtlingslager Moria aufnehmen. Das fordert der Stadtrat. 
La ville de Berne pourrait facilement accueillir 500 réfugiés du camp de réfugiés de Moria, selon une proposition discutée hier au conseil municipal de la ville de Berne. Le conseil municipal a approuvé la proposition par 53 voix contre 17.

«Direct reception of refugees at the EU’s external borders»

Motion d'urgence 034-2020
Level: Canton
Canton: BE
Status: Rejected

«Direct reception of refugees from Moria, demand for a national conference and stopping Dublin case returns to Greece»

Postulat d'urgence
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Burgdorf (BE)
Status: Accepted


The SP faction submitted an urgent postulate on 14 September 2020:

The local council is requested:

  1. to examine whether and to what extent the town of Burgdorf could directly accept refugees from Moria on the island of Lesbos in Greece.
  2. to request the federal government to immediately convene a national conference for the direct reception of refugees.
  3. to call on the Confederation to immediately stop the repatriation of Dublin cases to Greece.


The postulate was accepted on 02.11.20:

At number 1, the city council decided not to intervene. Numbers 2 and 3 were referred to the city council. 21 people voted yes (SP, Grüne, EVP and GLP), 9 people voted no (BDP, SVP) with 7 abstentions (FDP, SVP). This is a very clear result, which shows that such initiatives can also be successful in smaller cities – and should be pushed further.

In the statement of the local council it says:

In principle, the municipal council recognizes the postulants’ demand to follow Switzerland’s humanitarian tradition. As early as 2014, when a large wave of refugees swept over Western Europe, the city of Burgdorf proved that it can make a great effort to take in asylum seekers. Thanks to excellent cooperation between the canton, the city, churches, various institutions, ORS AG and many volunteers, a good range of support and integration services for migrants has been created. The population has also supported the efforts of the city. Should the town of Burgdorf again be assigned a special task by the canton to receive refugees from Moria or another crisis area, the municipal council, together with the town population, is prepared to accept this task and take in people seeking help.

In a letter to the Federal Council and the Government Council of the Canton of Berne, the Municipal Council is prepared to offer to admit refugees to emergency accommodation and to support them together with ORS and voluntary organizations working in Burgdorf. At the same time, the municipal council will ask the Federal Council not to send any Dublin cases back to Greece for the time being. In the light of the above, the Municipal Council is prepared to accept paragraphs 2 and 3 of the postulate. However, paragraph 1 of the postulate is outside the competence of the municipality. For the reasons explained above, this cannot be accepted.

«Reception of refugees»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Baden (AG)
Status: Rejected


Rejection by city council
11.12.18: Transferred and written off
18.09.18: Input


Press reports

«Baden könnte Vorreiterrolle einnehmen» – der Stadtrat soll Flüchtlingshilfe aktiver vorantreiben
Einwohnerräte fordern, dass Stadtrat mehr Solidarität gegenüber Flüchtlingen zeigt. In einem Postulat werden Stadträte von Baden und Aarau aufgefordert, «mehr Engagement zur Aufnahme von geflüchteten Menschen» zu zeigen.

Forderung zu Flüchtlingen: Stadtrat plädiert für Status quo
SP-Einwohnerrätin Hannah Locher verlangte vom Stadtrat mehr Engagement zur Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen. Doch dieser setzt auf die bewährten Projekte.

Politischer Vorstoss zur städtischen Flüchtlingspolitik
Die Städte Aarau und Baden sollen ein sicherer Hafen für alle sein, sich mit gleichgesinnten Städten vernetzen und für Offenheit und Solidarität einstehen.

«Reception of refugees from Greece and reform of the Dublin Convention»

Motion 20.3143
Level: Confederation
Canton: AG
Status: Accepted


23.09.20 Motion adopted by the Council of States

16.06.20 Approval of the motion in the National Council

01.05.20 The Federal Council proposes that the motion be accepted

“The Federal Council is closely observing developments in the migration sector in Turkey and Greece and shares the concerns of the petitioners. This is a pan-European challenge which must be tackled jointly.

But Switzerland is also involved bilaterally: the FDJP has promised Greece the rapid admission of unaccompanied minors with family ties to Switzerland on the basis of the existing Dublin provisions. Although Dublin transfers are currently suspended, the immediate entry of 22 UMAs has been granted. The SEM is currently working with the Greek authorities to organise the speedy entry of these children and young people. In addition, the FDJP and the SDC (Humanitarian Aid) have provided additional funding for projects run by UN and other aid agencies. These funds will also be used to finance emergency measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus and to improve health in shelters.

The Federal Council will continue to take adequate measures to contribute to improving the migration situation in Greece and especially on the Greek islands. It will also continue to work resolutely at European level for a crisis-resistant Dublin system based on a more solidary and fairer sharing of responsibility”.

22.04.20 Submission date

“The Federal Council is mandated to work at European level to ensure that the situation on the Aegean islands is substantially improved. In addition, Switzerland should also make its own solidarity efforts. The Federal Council is also instructed to work at the European level for a reform of the Dublin Convention towards a fairer and more even distribution of refugees, while ensuring that they are treated with dignity.


Press reports

«Zürich könnte 800 Menschen aufnehmen»
Karin Keller-Sutter stellt sich taub, doch die Städte lassen sich nicht beirren: Sie machen weiter Druck für die sofortige Evakuierung von Geflüchteten aus Lesbos.

Bundesrat soll sich für Flüchtlinge auf ägäischen Inseln einsetzen
Der Bundesrat wird beauftragt, sich auf europäischer Ebene für die Flüchtlinge auf den ägäischen Inseln einzusetzen.

Auch der Ständerat will geflüchteten Menschen auf Lesbos helfen
Das Parlament beauftragt den Bundesrat, sich für eine Reform des Dublin-Abkommens einzusetzen und sich mit den Flüchtlingen auf den griechischen Inseln solidarisch zu zeigen.

Parlament beauftragt den Bundesrat zur Aufnahme von Geflüchteten
Der Ständerat hat heute die Motion Nr. 20.3141 “Aufnahme von Geflüchteten aus Griechenland und Reform des Dublin-Abkommens” angenommen. Somit hat das gesamte Parlament den Bundesrat nun damit beauftragt Geflüchtete aus Griechenland aufzunehmen. Der Motionstext sieht “eigene Solidaritätsleistungen” vor – dies kann in der jetzigen Situation nur die sofortige Evakuierung der Geflüchteten aus den griechischen Camps bedeuten.

Nationalratskommission will gesetzliche Grundlage für Tracing-App
Zu diskutieren gab in der SPK die Situation der Flüchtlinge in Griechenland. Sie möchte ein klares Signal für ein weiterhin engagiertes Verhalten der Schweiz senden. Mit 15 zu 9 Stimmen beschloss die Kommission eine Motion. Konkret soll sich der Bundesrat auf europäischer Ebene für eine Reform des Dublin-Abkommens einsetzen, sodass die Flüchtlinge gleichmässiger und gerechter verteilt werden.

Kommission will keine Pflicht für Nutzung von Contact-Tracing-App
Handlungsbedarf sieht die Staatspolitische Kommission auch bei der Situation der Flüchtlinge in Griechenland. Sie anerkenne das bisherige Engagement der Schweiz, wolle aber ein klares Signal für ein weiterhin engagiertes Verhalten senden. Die Kommission fordert daher in einer Motion die Verbesserung der Situation auf den ägäischen Inseln und eine Reform des Dublin-Abkommens für die gerechtere Verteilung von Flüchtlingen.

«Reception of refugees»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Schlieren (ZH)
Status: Rejected

«Stop death on the Mediterranean!»

Motion 19.3479
Level: Confederation
Canton: AG
Status: Rejected


09.05.19: Submission of the motion

“The Federal Council is mandated to take urgent measures to ensure that people in distress are rescued in the Mediterranean and that human rights are respected.

In particular, Switzerland:

1 participate in the establishment of a civil sea rescue system organised and financed by Europe;
2 support a distribution mechanism for people rescued at sea based on humanitarian and constitutional principles;
3 provide appropriate support to communities which agree to take in boat refugees;
4 work for the immediate release of all detainees in Libya and support their reception through the UN Resettlement Programme.”


21.08.19: The Federal Council moves that the motion be rejected.

“1 The questions concerning the establishment of a rescue system and the continuation of existing operations are currently the subject of controversial discussions between the European states. The EU mission for the sea rescue of migrants and for combating networks of smugglers in the Mediterranean (Eunavfor Med Sophia) has been continued without a naval component since March 2019. In discussions at European level, Switzerland is committed to respecting human rights, the Geneva Convention on Refugees and the principle of non-refoulement.
2 For several years, discussions have been underway at EU level on the reform of the Dublin system and the introduction of a distribution mechanism for migrants. The reform is making little progress because various EU member states reject a distribution mechanism. In January 2019, the European Commission submitted a proposal that provides for a “temporary arrangement”. This should serve as a bridge solution until the new Dublin system comes into force. However, to date the EU has not yet decided on the concrete implementation of this proposal. Switzerland considers that such a transitional solution would not fill the gaps in the existing system and could at best delay the finding of a structural solution at European level. It therefore remains committed at EU level to a better distribution of responsibilities among the States and to the search for lasting solutions to the current migration situation.
Switzerland accepts refugees voluntarily: Based on Article 56 of the Asylum Act (AsylG, SR 142.31), it grants asylum to particularly vulnerable persons within the framework of the UNHCR’s Resettlement Programme. The Federal Council has allocated a quota of 800 persons for 2019. The distribution of resettlement refugees among the municipalities is the responsibility of the cantons. For each refugee, the Confederation pays the cantons a global lump sum. In accordance with the regulation that came into force on 1 March 2019 (Art. 88 para. 3bis AsylG and Art. 24a para. 1 of the Asylum Ordinance 2 on financial matters, AsylV 2; SR 142.312), the Confederation will pay the global lump sum for (resettlement) refugees for the duration of the new seven-year period. Those communes which receive resettlement refugees are thus already indirectly supported by the payment of the global lump sums by the Confederation to the cantons. Resettlement refugees, like all other recognised refugees and provisionally admitted persons, will also benefit from the amendment to the Ordinance which came into force on 1 May 2019 and which increased the integration allowance. In the framework of the integration agenda for which these funds are allocated, individual case management and enhanced integration measures are provided for. The cantons are responsible for implementation in cooperation with the municipalities.
4 The Federal Council is deeply concerned about the situation of migrants detained near the combat zones. It supports the humanitarian activities of international organisations and relief agencies to alleviate the distress in detention centres. It welcomes the fact that the UNHCR regularly evacuates particularly vulnerable refugees from these detention centres and recently responded to an urgent appeal by this organisation with a contribution of CHF 500 000. Switzerland is also funding an IOM project for the protection and medical care of detained migrants.
Following an urgent appeal by the UNHCR in April 2019, Switzerland has made up to 50 places in the current resettlement programme available for evacuations from Libya. Various options for implementing these evacuations are currently being examined in cooperation with the UNHCR.”


06.01.20: 25.000 signatures of the petition “Stop Dying in the Mediterranean” are handed over by the Solinetze in support of the petition


09.12.20: rejection by the National Council

Press reports

Das Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen!
Le 7 janvier, des représentants de Solinetzte.ch et du réseau migrationscharta.ch ont remis à la Chancellerie fédérale de Berne une pétition intitulée “Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen!”.

Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen – Petitionsübergabe
Près de 25 000 personnes ont signé la pétition, qui a été présentée hier à la Chancellerie fédérale à Berne.

Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen!
Dans le programme d’information d’aujourd’hui, nous parlons de la motion et de la pétition “Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer stoppen!” et, avec un sommelier de l’eau, de leur profession.

Petition für die Seenotrettung

«Call to the municipality of Lausanne to take in refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Lausanne (VD)
Status: Accepted


Positive answer of the city council on 08 October 2020:

“The eight largest cities in Switzerland, including the city of Lausanne, have agreed to take in more refugees and encouraged the Confederation to follow suit in the context of the humanitarian emergency. In addition, Lausanne, in cooperation with Geneva, issued a press release on 11 September calling on our country to make an extra effort to receive people from the Moria camp after the terrible fire that raged there.

However, the commune recalls that decisions on the admission of refugees are the responsibility of the Confederation and must be taken in coordination with the largest cities in Switzerland, as it is prepared to act within the competencies of the Confederation, cantons and communes.

In addition, the city of Lausanne will continue to work with Switzerland’s main cities to ensure that the above steps are not ignored at federal level. It is proposing to the Federal Council to admit more refugees on humanitarian grounds, which is legally permissible if the Federal Council does not wish to establish a so-called “direct admission procedure”.

This approach is in keeping with Lausanne’s long tradition of welcoming people. This is also reflected in the close collaboration with the Etablissement Vaudois d’Accueil des Migrants (EVAM), which aims to find accommodation solutions adapted to the needs of individuals and to support social and professional integration processes.


The EBF renews the call of the Friends of Cornelius Koch and CEDRI :

The situation in the camps on the Greek islands is degrading

During the night of 8/9 September 2020 a major fire destroyed the refugee camp of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. At one stroke, all 12,000 people were homeless and wandered the streets. After the already inhumane situation in the camp, the humanitarian disaster had now become a reality. Subsequently, a few EU countries and Switzerland agreed to take in a few hundred people. This minimal number is a disgrace! Many are still homeless and 8,000 people who had to flee the fire in Moria are now waiting in a new, hastily built camp: without water supply and sanitation, without electricity or heating. The floor of the former firing range is contaminated with ammunition and again and again cartridges and non-detonated explosives are found. The next catastrophe is pre-programmed.

A broad campaign to take in refugees from the camps

50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Os-ter appeal of Amnesty International’s Evacuation NOW campaign and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees. Numerous politicians – across all party lines – have also lent their support to these demands. What counts is not party affiliation, but human conscience. The eight largest cities in Switzerland – Zurich, Berne, Basel City, Lucerne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva – have all joined in this appeal. Cities like Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Wil (SG) have joined, as have smaller municipalities. Here you will find extracts of three smaller municipalities that have already joined the appeal. All of them call on the federal authorities to do more to stop the distress on the Aegean islands and declare their willingness to take refugees from there. This is not just a moral statement, but a concrete offer which the Federal Council should accept.

The municipalities are the foundation of our democracy!

The hope that the Federal Council would take note of the open attitude of these towns and municipalities has unfortunately not been fulfilled so far. For this reason, as many smaller towns and villages throughout Switzerland as possible should also make their voices heard. The more numerous these are, the more it becomes clear that there is a willingness everywhere in our country to help the refugees. At the same time, the chances are increasing that the Federal Council will finally come to its senses and act in a humane manner. The Federal Council could take action today. Contrary to what Federal Councillor Keller-Suter said, the legal foundations for this already exist today. This is why we, residents of the municipality XYZ, demand that our municipal authorities take action:

  • to agree to accept refugees from the Greek islands,
  • communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council.

You can download the petition here and we ask you to become active in your circle of friends. Here you can download a feedback card or you can send us an email to the following address: ch@forumcivique.org. Thank you in advance for your commitment!


Press reports

Soutien des villes suisses à l’accueil de réfugiés. Argumentaire juridique et pétition

Une pétition en ce sens a été lancée fin juillet. S’appuyant sur le fait que la Suisse est composée de 2200 communes, que celles-ci sont au cœur de la politique de l’intégration, que le nombre de demandes d’asile depuis deux ans est historiquement bas, la pétition invite les citoyen-ne-s à s’adresser directement à leurs propres autorités communales pour qu’elles s’engagent à une aide concrète, chacune à leur mesure.

«Call to the community of Wohlen: Take in refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Wohlen (BE)
Status: Accepted


Petition submitted to Wohlen (BE) Municipal Council on 14 September 2020

Positive answer of the Council of Municipalities of 22 September 2020:

“Municipal Council supports petition for a commitment by our municipality to take in refugees from the camps on the Greek islands

As a result of the inhumane situation in the camps on the Greek islands, 50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations called for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees during an Easter appeal. The eight largest cities in Switzerland joined this appeal and called on the federal authorities to do more to stop the emergency.

Petitions are now being used to make the voice of smaller towns and municipalities heard. For example, this petition, signed by many people, was submitted to the municipal council, demanding that the municipality agree to take in refugees from the Greek islands, communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the federal authorities.

The local council supports this petition and makes the following statement to the federal authorities: With regard to the humanitarian situation in Lesbos, the Municipality of Wohlen asks the State Secretariat for Migration to intensify its efforts to provide local assistance and to ensure the uncomplicated reception of particularly vulnerable refugees from the burnt-down Moria camp. The municipality is prepared to get involved within the scope of its possibilities”.

The petition follows the call of the European Citizens Forum EBF:

The situation in the camps on the Greek islands is degrading

During the night of 8/9 September 2020 a major fire destroyed the refugee camp of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. At one stroke, all 12,000 people were homeless and wandered the streets. After the already inhumane situation in the camp, the humanitarian disaster had now become a reality. Subsequently, a few EU countries and Switzerland agreed to take in a few hundred people. This minimal number is a disgrace! Many are still homeless and 8,000 people who had to flee the fire in Moria are now waiting in a new, hastily built camp: without water supply and sanitation, without electricity or heating. The floor of the former firing range is contaminated with ammunition and again and again cartridges and non-detonated explosives are found. The next catastrophe is pre-programmed.

A broad campaign to take in refugees from the camps

50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Os-ter appeal of Amnesty International’s Evacuation NOW campaign and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees. Numerous politicians – across all party lines – have also lent their support to these demands. What counts is not party affiliation, but human conscience. The eight largest cities in Switzerland – Zurich, Berne, Basel City, Lucerne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva – have all joined in this appeal. Cities like Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Wil (SG) have joined, as have smaller municipalities. Here you will find extracts of three smaller municipalities that have already joined the appeal. All of them call on the federal authorities to do more to stop the distress on the Aegean islands and declare their willingness to take refugees from there. This is not just a moral statement, but a concrete offer which the Federal Council should accept.

The municipalities are the foundation of our democracy!

The hope that the Federal Council would take note of the open attitude of these towns and municipalities has unfortunately not been fulfilled so far. For this reason, as many smaller towns and villages throughout Switzerland as possible should also make their voices heard. The more numerous these are, the more it becomes clear that there is a willingness everywhere in our country to help the refugees. At the same time, the chances are increasing that the Federal Council will finally come to its senses and act in a humane manner. The Federal Council could take action today. Contrary to what Federal Councillor Keller-Suter said, the legal foundations for this already exist today. This is why we, residents of the municipality XYZ, demand that our municipal authorities take action:

  • to agree to accept refugees from the Greek islands,
  • communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council.

You can download the petition here and we ask you to become active in your circle of friends. Here you can download a feedback card or you can send us an email to the following address: ch@forumcivique.org. Thank you in advance for your commitment!

«Call to the community of Sevelen: Take in refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Sevelen (SG)
Status: Accepted


Submission of the petition to the municipal council of Sevelen (SG) on 31 August 2020

Positive answer of the Council of Municipalities of 29 September 2020:

“On 31 August 2020, a petition for a commitment by our municipality to take in refugees from the camps on the Greek islands, signed by 40 residents*, was submitted to the office.

The local council has taken note of the petition. There is a willingness to receive and care for a family, in addition to the asylum seekers and refugees already allocated. At the moment there are 38 asylum seekers and refugees living in Sevelen.

The petition follows the call of the European Citizens Forum EBF:

The situation in the camps on the Greek islands is degrading

During the night of 8/9 September 2020 a major fire destroyed the refugee camp of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. At one stroke, all 12,000 people were homeless and wandered the streets. After the already inhumane situation in the camp, the humanitarian disaster had now become a reality. Subsequently, a few EU countries and Switzerland agreed to take in a few hundred people. This minimal number is a disgrace! Many are still homeless and 8,000 people who had to flee the fire in Moria are now waiting in a new, hastily built camp: without water supply and sanitation, without electricity or heating. The floor of the former firing range is contaminated with ammunition and again and again cartridges and non-detonated explosives are found. The next catastrophe is pre-programmed.

A broad campaign to take in refugees from the camps

50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Os-ter appeal of Amnesty International’s Evacuation NOW campaign and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees. Numerous politicians – across all party lines – have also lent their support to these demands. What counts is not party affiliation, but the human conscience. The eight largest cities in Switzerland – Zurich, Berne, Basel City, Lucerne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva – have all joined in this appeal. Cities like Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Wil (SG) have joined, as have smaller municipalities. Here you will find extracts of three smaller municipalities that have already joined the appeal. All of them call on the federal authorities to do more to stop the distress on the Aegean islands and declare their willingness to take refugees from there. This is not just a moral statement, but a concrete offer which the Federal Council should accept.

The municipalities are the foundation of our democracy!

The hope that the Federal Council would take note of the open attitude of these towns and municipalities has unfortunately not been fulfilled so far. For this reason, as many smaller towns and villages throughout Switzerland as possible should also make their voices heard. The more numerous these are, the more it becomes clear that there is a willingness everywhere in our country to help the refugees. At the same time, the chances are increasing that the Federal Council will finally come to its senses and act in a humane manner. The Federal Council could take action today. Contrary to what Federal Councillor Keller-Suter said, the legal foundations for this already exist today. This is why we, residents of the municipality XYZ, demand that our municipal authorities take action:

  • to agree to accept refugees from the Greek islands,
  • communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council.

You can download the petition here and we ask you to become active in your circle of friends. Here you can download a feedback card or you can send us an email to the following address: ch@forumcivique.org. Thank you in advance for your commitment!

«Call to the commune of Sainte-Croix to take in refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Sainte-Croix (VD)
Status: Accepted


On Monday evening, Isabelle Dessonnaz, Stéphane Mermod and five other members of the SP presented an interpellation to the municipal council in which they asked the council to join the appeal of the Swiss cities to accept refugees from Moria, especially families and unaccompanied minors.

Unanimously in the ranks of the left, the Interpellation divides the FDP: “This is a human issue that demands a humanitarian response from us. Sainte-Croix is distinguished not only by its artistic mechanics but also by its tradition of welcoming”, Philippe Gueissaz replies to his comrade-in-arms Paul-André Simon, who did not feel it necessary to vote on this issue, arguing that the Council is concerned with local affairs.

In the vote, the interpellation was returned to the executive with 27 votes in favour and 8 abstentions.

At the beginning of December 2020, the municipality of St. Croix sent a letter to the President of the Confederation Karin Keller-Sutter in which the municipality declared its commitment to the reception of refugees from camps on the Greek islands.

Letter from Sainte-Croix to president Karin Keller-Sutter

This latter can also be used as a template by other municipalities and cities.


The petition follows the call of the European Citizens Forum EBF:

The situation in the camps on the Greek islands is degrading

During the night of 8/9 September 2020 a major fire destroyed the refugee camp of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. At one stroke, all 12,000 people were homeless and wandered the streets. After the already inhumane situation in the camp, the humanitarian disaster had now become a reality. Subsequently, a few EU countries and Switzerland agreed to take in a few hundred people. This minimal number is a disgrace! Many are still homeless and 8,000 people who had to flee the fire in Moria are now waiting in a new, hastily built camp: without water supply and sanitation, without electricity or heating. The floor of the former firing range is contaminated with ammunition and again and again cartridges and non-detonated explosives are found. The next catastrophe is pre-programmed.

A broad campaign to take in refugees from the camps

50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Os-ter appeal of Amnesty International’s Evacuation NOW campaign and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees. Numerous politicians – across all party lines – have also lent their support to these demands. What counts is not party affiliation, but the human conscience. The eight largest cities in Switzerland – Zurich, Berne, Basel City, Lucerne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva – have all joined in this appeal. Cities like Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Wil (SG) have joined, as have smaller municipalities. Here you will find extracts of three smaller municipalities that have already joined the appeal. All of them call on the federal authorities to do more to stop the distress on the Aegean islands and declare their willingness to take refugees from there. This is not just a moral statement, but a concrete offer which the Federal Council should accept.

The municipalities are the foundation of our democracy!

The hope that the Federal Council would take note of the open attitude of these towns and municipalities has unfortunately not been fulfilled so far. For this reason, as many smaller towns and villages throughout Switzerland as possible should also make their voices heard. The more numerous these are, the more it becomes clear that there is a willingness everywhere in our country to help the refugees. At the same time, the chances are increasing that the Federal Council will finally come to its senses and act in a humane manner. The Federal Council could take action today. Contrary to what Federal Councillor Keller-Suter said, the legal foundations for this already exist today. This is why we, residents of the municipality XYZ, demand that our municipal authorities take action:

  • to agree to accept refugees from the Greek islands,
  • communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council.

You can download the petition here and we ask you to become active in your circle of friends. Here you can download a feedback card or you can send us an email to the following address: ch@forumcivique.org. Thank you in advance for your commitment!


«Call to the Municipality of Penthalaz to receive refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Penthalaz (VD)
Status: Accepted


Positive response from the municipality of Penthalaz on 12 November 2020:

“The Municipality of Penthalaz has received a petition from citizens* of our municipality asking them to commit themselves in the future to accepting people from the camps on the Greek islands.

Sensitive to the plight of these people and to the inhumane conditions in which they expect a dignified reception from European countries, the Municipality asks your authorities to use all necessary means to receive refugees in a number proportionate to Switzerland’s financial and economic capacity and thus, if not to end the plight in the camps in Greece, at least to reduce the plight in the camps in Greece.

Subject to its possibilities – particularly in terms of providing accommodation – and with the support of committed organisations – such as the Etablissement Vaudois d’Accueil des Migrants (EVAM) – and volunteers, the municipality declares itself open to welcoming families into its circle. We are therefore willing to be contacted for the implementation of the measures involved”.


The petition follows the call of the European Citizens Forum EBF:

The situation in the camps on the Greek islands is degrading

During the night of 8/9 September 2020 a major fire destroyed the refugee camp of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. At one stroke, all 12,000 people were homeless and wandered the streets. After the already inhumane situation in the camp, the humanitarian disaster had now become a reality. Subsequently, a few EU countries and Switzerland agreed to take in a few hundred people. This minimal number is a disgrace! Many are still homeless and 8,000 people who had to flee the fire in Moria are now waiting in a new, hastily built camp: without water supply and sanitation, without electricity or heating. The floor of the former firing range is contaminated with ammunition and again and again cartridges and non-detonated explosives are found. The next catastrophe is pre-programmed.

A broad campaign to take in refugees from the camps

50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Os-ter appeal of Amnesty International’s Evacuation NOW campaign and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees. Numerous politicians – across all party lines – have also lent their support to these demands. What counts is not party affiliation, but the human conscience. The eight largest cities in Switzerland – Zurich, Berne, Basel City, Lucerne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva – have all joined in this appeal. Cities like Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Wil (SG) have joined, as have smaller municipalities. Here you will find extracts of three smaller municipalities that have already joined the appeal. All of them call on the federal authorities to do more to stop the distress on the Aegean islands and declare their willingness to take refugees from there. This is not just a moral statement, but a concrete offer which the Federal Council should accept.

The municipalities are the foundation of our democracy!

The hope that the Federal Council would take note of the open attitude of these towns and municipalities has unfortunately not been fulfilled so far. For this reason, as many smaller towns and villages throughout Switzerland as possible should also make their voices heard. The more numerous these are, the more it becomes clear that there is a willingness everywhere in our country to help the refugees. At the same time, the chances are increasing that the Federal Council will finally come to its senses and act in a humane manner. The Federal Council could take action today. Contrary to what Federal Councillor Keller-Suter said, the legal foundations for this already exist today. This is why we, residents of the municipality XYZ, demand that our municipal authorities take action:

  • to agree to accept refugees from the Greek islands,
  • communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council.

You can download the petition here and we ask you to become active in your circle of friends. Here you can download a feedback card or you can send us an email to the following address: ch@forumcivique.org. Thank you in advance for your commitment!


«Call to the Municipality of Cormoret to receive refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Cormoret (BE)
Status: Accepted


Positive response from the municipal council on 24 September 2020:

The Cormoret authorities are pleased to send you signature lists from our municipality calling for the reception of refugees from the camps on the Greek islands.

In its meeting of 22 September 2020, the local council supported the approach of CEDRI, the European Committee for the Defence of Refugees and Immigrants of Basel, and declared itself sensitive to the plight of children in the Greek islands.

Therefore, with our support, we hand over the above paragraphs and hope that an appropriate solution can be found.

The petition follows the call of the European Citizens Forum EBF:

The situation in the camps on the Greek islands is degrading

During the night of 8/9 September 2020 a major fire destroyed the refugee camp of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. At one stroke, all 12,000 people were homeless and wandered the streets. After the already inhumane situation in the camp, the humanitarian disaster had now become a reality. Subsequently, a few EU countries and Switzerland agreed to take in a few hundred people. This minimal number is a disgrace! Many are still homeless and 8,000 people who had to flee the fire in Moria are now waiting in a new, hastily built camp: without water supply and sanitation, without electricity or heating. The floor of the former firing range is contaminated with ammunition and again and again cartridges and non-detonated explosives are found. The next catastrophe is pre-programmed.

A broad campaign to take in refugees from the camps

50,000 people throughout Switzerland, the national churches and over 130 organisations have supported the Os-ter appeal of Amnesty International’s Evacuation NOW campaign and the Migration Charter, which calls for a rapid evacuation of the Greek camps and a generous reception of refugees. Numerous politicians – across all party lines – have also lent their support to these demands. What counts is not party affiliation, but the human conscience. The eight largest cities in Switzerland – Zurich, Berne, Basel City, Lucerne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva – have all joined in this appeal. Cities like Fribourg, Neuchâtel and Wil (SG) have joined, as have smaller municipalities. Here you will find extracts of three smaller municipalities that have already joined the appeal. All of them call on the federal authorities to do more to stop the distress on the Aegean islands and declare their willingness to take refugees from there. This is not just a moral statement, but a concrete offer which the Federal Council should accept.

The municipalities are the foundation of our democracy!

The hope that the Federal Council would take note of the open attitude of these towns and municipalities has unfortunately not been fulfilled so far. For this reason, as many smaller towns and villages throughout Switzerland as possible should also make their voices heard. The more numerous these are, the more it becomes clear that there is a willingness everywhere in our country to help the refugees. At the same time, the chances are increasing that the Federal Council will finally come to its senses and act in a humane manner. The Federal Council could take action today. Contrary to what Federal Councillor Keller-Suter said, the legal foundations for this already exist today. This is why we, residents of the municipality XYZ, demand that our municipal authorities take action:

  • to agree to accept refugees from the Greek islands,
  • communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council.

You can download the petition here and we ask you to become active in your circle of friends. Here you can download a feedback card or you can send us an email to the following address: ch@forumcivique.org. Thank you in advance for your commitment!


«Call to the municipality of Arlesheim to take in refugees from the Greek islands»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Arlesheim (BL)
Status: Accepted


Communication from the municipal council of Arlesheim BL:

“On 17 August 2020, a petition was submitted by a number of residents for a commitment by our municipality to take in refugees from the camps on the Greek islands.

The petition is a sub-project of the Easter Appeal, a campaign which Amnesty International is conducting together with Evacuation-Now and the Migration Charter. The petition follows on from a petition launched in the spring, which was addressed directly to the Federal Council and signed by around 39,000 people. The current petition calls on the municipality of Arlesheim to declare its willingness to accept refugees from the Greek islands and to communicate this decision publicly and forward it to the Federal Council. The Municipal Council supports the petitioners’ request and at its last meeting confirmed its willingness to admit five more people (from a camp on a Greek island) to the ordinary procedures. The canton, as the first point of contact for the municipality, will be informed accordingly”.

«Embassy asylum in the EU»

Level: Confederation
Canton: AG
Status: Rejected

«Reception of boat refugees»

Postulat 20180257
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Biel (BE)
Status: Transformed or canceled


15.08.18: Submission of the non-party postulate 20180257

by Anna Tanner (SP/JUSO Group), Judith Schmid (PdA), Christoph Grupp (Greens Group), Mohamed Hamdaoui (PSR), “Reception of boat people”.

25.04.19: Declared as substantial in the city council.

16.12.20: Written off as fulfilled by the municipal council.

The City of Biel is committed to creating the legal framework for direct reception. Due to the lack of a legal basis and the necessary resources, it rejects direct admission at the same time.

“By means of this motion, the municipal council was asked to examine how it can support the direct admission of refugees from the ships in the Mediterranean and whether it wants to join other cities that have directly admitted refugees.

The municipal council has examined these concerns and can state that the legal possibilities for such a direct reception are lacking. However, even if the situation were different, the city of Biel would not have the necessary resources for a direct reception and care of refugees. Unlike the city of Bern, for example, which is mandated by the canton to care for and receive refugees, this does not apply to Biel, as the canton has transferred this mandate for the Biel Seeland region to the Red Cross.

However, the municipal council would welcome it if the legal basis were adapted so that uncomplicated admissions would be possible in the future. It therefore calls on the federal government and the cantons to take appropriate action. In this context, it welcomes the initiative of the City of Fribourg, which has called for a round table with the federal government, the canton and the cities to find solutions in this matter.

The municipal council therefore asks the city council to write off the non-party postulate 20180257 as fulfilled.”


«Active participation of the city of Langenthal regarding boat refugees»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Langenthal (BE)
Status: Rejected

«Reception of boat refugees»

Postulat 2018/8/ Interpellation Nr. 2018/3
Level: Canton
Canton: SH
Status: Transformed or canceled


25.04.19: on the agenda
21.02.19: on the agenda
15.08.18: Input


Press reports

Postulat verlangt Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen in Schaffhausen
Le conseil municipal de Schaffhouse doit s’occuper de l’admission de réfugiés supplémentaires. Le groupe PS/JS a soumis un postulat à cet effet.

Postulat: Stadt soll Bootsflüchtlinge aufnehmen
Les tragédies humaines ont eu lieu avant les frontières de l’Europe, déclare Christoph Schlatter, conseiller municipal du PS. Il souhaite que la ville de Schaffhouse accueille des réfugiés.

«Reception of boat refugees»

Interpellation d'urgence
Level: Canton
Canton: ZH
Status: Rejected

Press reports

Zürcher Kantonsrat gegen Aufnahme von Bootsflüchtlingen
Der Zürcher Kantonsrat ist gegen die Aufnahme von zusätzlichen Bootsflüchtlingen. Er hat einen entsprechenden Vorstoss der Ratslinken, welche eine Entlastung der Länder rund ums Mittelmeer anstrebte, knapp abgelehnt.

SP, AL und EVP fordern vom Kanton Zürich mehr Engagement für Bootsflüchtlinge
Der Kanton Zürich soll sich beim Bund dafür einsetzen, dass für die Aufnahme von Bootsflüchtlingen Kontingente geschaffen werden und diesen Menschen in der Schweiz ein faires Asylverfahren geboten wird. Der Kantonsrat hat am Montag ein Postulat von SP, AL und EVP für dringlich erklärt.

Der Kanton Zürich will nicht mehr Bootsflüchtlinge aufnehmen
Auch wenn viele Asylunterkünfte nicht ausgelastet sind, wehrt sich der Kantonsrat gegen zusätzliche Flüchtlinge.

«Reception of refugees in distress in the Mediterranean»

Motion d'urgence 2019.SR.000287
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Bern (BE)
Status: Accepted

«Wohlen (AG): Taking in refugees from the Moria camp»

Dringliches Postulat
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Wohlen (AG)
Status: Rejected


In an urgent postulate, the SP demands the admission of refugees from the (new) Camp Moria on Lesbos.

“Councilman Wohlen is asked,

  • to agree to accept refugees from Moria;
  • to call on the canton and the Confederation to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the towns and municipalities in the canton of Aargau and with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which take similar initiatives to receive refugees”.

The postulate was rejected in October 2020.

“Four CVP politicians demanded 50,000 francs in donations from the municipality. The SP and the Greens, on the other hand, demanded that Wohlen lobby the federal government and the canton to take in twelve refugees from Moria in the village soon. In a nutshell: Both requests were rejected. Both times, municipal councillor Paul Huwiler was able to clarify that humanitarian aid is the obligation of the federal government.

“Of course we take in every contingent that is allocated to us by the federal government and the canton. We currently have even more refugees in Wohlen than we should,” Huwiler said. The 50,000 francs were rejected with 15 votes in favour, 20 against and 2 abstentions. The twelve refugees were rejected by 11 votes in favour, 23 against and 4 abstentions. The council also clearly rejected 10,000 francs, which were requested later in the budget debate for the refugees.”

Aargauer Zeitung from 12.10.20

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


Press reports

Gemeinde Wohlen wird Flüchtlingen in Moria nicht helfen
Le conseil des habitants de Wohlen a rejeté deux avances pour la Moria. Toutefois, les conseils ont pris note du plan financier sans discussions majeures. Et ils ont fait étonnamment peu de coupes budgétaires.

«Windisch (AG): Taking in refugees from the Moria camp»

Postulat d'urgence
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Windisch (AG)
Status: Accepted


In an urgent postulate, the SP demands the reception of refugees from the (new) Camp Moria on Lesbos.

“City Councilor Windisch is requested,

  • to agree to accept 6 refugees from Moria;
  • to call on the canton and the Confederation to take the necessary measures to enable the reception of refugees from Moria;
  • to coordinate with the towns and municipalities in the canton of Aargau and with Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich, which take similar initiatives to receive refugees”.

The postulate was assessed as urgent on 21 October 2020 and accepted.

“The municipal council accepts this postulate for the following reasons: In principle, the federal government is responsible for taking in refugees. The municipality of Windisch cannot influence how many refugees from other countries are accepted. For this reason, the municipal council is actually the wrong sender for this request. However, the municipal council sees the need and the obligation for Switzerland to make its contribution to solving the problem, even if it ultimately has to be solved at the international level. For this reason, it is prepared to accept the request and to take the appropriate stance vis-à-vis the Confederation and the Canton.

Resolution of the Municipal Council of 21.10.2020, https://www.windisch.ch/public/upload/assets/1855/2020-10-21.pdf

This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.

The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.

The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.

Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.

Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.


Press reports

Zentrumsgemeinden wollen 15 Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen
Der Stadtrat Brugg beantragt im Einwohnerrat am Freitag, den Vorstoss aus dem linken Lager entgegenzunehmen. Die Nachbargemeinde Windisch hat diesbezüglich bereits gehandelt.