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«Weinfelden calls for the admission of more people in need»

Level: Municipality
Municipality: Weinfelden (TG)
Status: Rejected


17. June 2020 Submission Interpellation

Following the rejection of the petition of October 2020, the SP Weinfelden asks with this Interpellation to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the city of Weinfelden willing to report the reception of refugees (especially of unaccompanied minors) to the federal government?
  2. If there is a will: Which infrastructures are missing for an admission?
  3. In what time frame can they be built?

The SP Weinfelden asks this to the city council, since in 2019 the account 5730 Asylum achieved a surplus of over 360’000 francs. In 2020, a surplus of 330,000 francs remained. It is clear that the account 5730 has been in positive figures for years.

25. November 2020 Rejection

In the answer to the petition, the city council writes that the city of Weinfelden is of course ready to accept refugees who are allocated by the federal government or the canton. But the admission of people is not isolated, it comes with appropriate and continuous attendance to the refugees. However, Weinfelden does neither have the necessary space nor personnel resources to adequately respond to this circumstance, it first needs to be developed.

21. October 2020 Submission

Switzerland only takes in 53 people in need. That is not enough and Weinfelden wants to change that. The echo of Evacuate NOW not only reaches the big cities, but also Weinfelden. A petition demands the acceptance of refugees from the Aegean islands as well as exerting pressure on the Federal Council. SP board members Dana Wassmann and Xenja Magri collected 107 votes to support their demands. There is much more behind the petition. The two women demand and constructively criticise by proposing accommodation and care plans for the people, all of whom can be accommodated.


Press reports

Die SP der Stadt Weinfelden hat im Oktober eine Petition an den Stadtrat eingereicht, in der sie die zusätzliche Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen von den griechischen Inseln fordert. Der Stadtrat hat nun auf das Anliegen geantwortet.

Einsatz für Flüchtlinge auch in Weinfelden
Die SP Weinfelden hat dem Stadtrat eine Petition überreicht. Sie fordert die Aufnahme von Geflüchteten von den Ägäis-Inseln in der Stadt selbst sowie Druck auszuüben auf den Bundesrat.

Stadtrat appelliert an Bundesrätin Keller-Sutter Petitionäre fordern die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen in Kreuzlingen. Rechtlich sind dem Stadtrat die Hände gebunden. Er wendet sich deshalb an Bundesrätin Karin Keller-Sutter und verlangt ein grösseres Engagement der Schweiz bei der Bewältigung dieser humanitären Krise.