In an urgent postulate, the SP demands the reception of refugees from the (new) Camp Moria on Lesbos.
“City Councilor Windisch is requested,
The postulate was assessed as urgent on 21 October 2020 and accepted.
“The municipal council accepts this postulate for the following reasons: In principle, the federal government is responsible for taking in refugees. The municipality of Windisch cannot influence how many refugees from other countries are accepted. For this reason, the municipal council is actually the wrong sender for this request. However, the municipal council sees the need and the obligation for Switzerland to make its contribution to solving the problem, even if it ultimately has to be solved at the international level. For this reason, it is prepared to accept the request and to take the appropriate stance vis-à-vis the Confederation and the Canton.
Resolution of the Municipal Council of 21.10.2020,
This initiative is part of the campaign “500 people for Aargau”.
The refugee camps in Greece are in dire straits. Several tens of thousands of refugees are locked up in camps under the most degrading conditions. Their situation is so unbearable that at Easter 2020, the three national churches of Switzerland jointly appealed to the Federal Council to alleviate the tragedy and accept 5000 refugees from Greece into Switzerland.
The campaign “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau” takes up this appeal and wants to achieve that municipalities and cities voluntarily increase their quota for taking in people. In this way, they can create the necessary capacity in and with the canton for the government to register the “free space” with the federal government for the admission of people from precarious camps. Numerous communes have already given positive feedback.
Ask your municipality in Aargau to take in people too. The requests are coordinated by the association Netzwerk Asyl Aargau.
Letter template “500 people for the municipalities in Aargau”.
Zentrumsgemeinden wollen 15 Flüchtlinge aus Moria aufnehmen
Der Stadtrat Brugg beantragt im Einwohnerrat am Freitag, den Vorstoss aus dem linken Lager entgegenzunehmen. Die Nachbargemeinde Windisch hat diesbezüglich bereits gehandelt.