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Defund Frontex: freedom of movement instead of border violence for all – Do you participate in the referendum against Frontex?

13. October 2021

#AbolishFrontex: Who joins the referendum against Frontex?
The Swiss parliament has decided to strengthen the European border protection agency Frontex with 61 million Swiss francs annually. With this money, Frontex is to seal off Europe’s external borders further and speed up special flights for forced deportations across Europe. The Migrant Solidarity Network says YES to freedom of movement for all and NO to Frontex. Therefore we start a referendum against Frontex.

Frontex: More border violence, surveillance and deportations
Frontex is closing the European borders violently and makes migration routes more unsafe for people on the move: more deaths in the Mediterranean, more torture in Libya, more (illegal) pushbacks and suffering on the Balkan route or in the Aegean. After the perilous flight or migration and after sometimes years of living inside Europe, Frontex stands more and more for discrimination and humiliation through deportations.

Referendum: Fundamentally saying NO to Frontex
The Migrant Solidarity Network is urgently looking for 1,000 people to collect 50 signatures each. Those who decide to collect 50 signatures can sign up here. Groups and organizations that want to support the referendum against Frontex are also welcome to sign up. A referendum requires 50,000 signatures from people eligible to vote in Switzerland. The signatures must be collected by the end of 2021.

For more information.