From 19.00 h Infokafi Molotow
7.30 p.m. Short film ‘Near our border
19.30 until 21.00 Collection of donations in kind for people fleeing in Bosnia and Herzegovina by open eyes
21.00 The smashed kneecaps
22.15 Churchieboys
23.30 Appalling Mist
Afterwards & open end Lost in Time Record Show
The Infokafi opens its doors and invites you to sit down for a drink, get to know each other, browse through the books and exchange ideas about extra-parliamentary politics.
From 19.30 the short film ‘Near our border’: documentary film by Martina and Pina (21min./engl.). The short film gives an impression of the situation of people on the move at the Bosnian-Croatian border.
Followed by: input and open discussion.
open eyes collects donations in kind for people on the run in Bosnia and Herzegovina we collect: