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«Reception of refugees for humanitarian reasons»

Demande simple 20/EA 3/26
Level: Canton
Canton: TG
Status: Rejected


In May 2020, the Regierungsrat Simon Vogel (Greens) calls on the Thurgau government to commit to accepting refugees from the overcrowded camps on the Greek islands.

“1 What is the current situation in Thurgau? Do we have capacities and is Thurgau able to accept more people?

2. Is the Governing Council prepared to accept refugees (especially vulnerable people) outside the existing contingent for humanitarian reasons? What is the legal basis for this measure?

3. Is the Governing Council of Bern committed to finding a global solution to the humanitarian crisis in Greece?

Simple application “The reception of refugees on humanitarian grounds”, Simon Vogel

Request “Reception of Refugees”

In its response to the question posed at the beginning of August, the canton refers to the responsibility of the EU (“On the part of Europe, the responsibility lies with the European Union, which has not yet been able to solve this challenge”) and the efforts already made by Switzerland.

It would be pointless, he said, for the various cantons to put pressure on the Confederation to take in refugees. Moreover, there was no room in Thurgau for the accommodation of people.

Response of the Governing Council of the Canton of Thurgau

Press reports

Kein Platz: Der Kanton Thurgau kann keine zusätzlichen Flüchtlinge aus den überfüllten Lager in Moria aufnehmen
La solution de la crise des réfugiés est une tâche internationale, déclare le gouvernement de Thurgovie. Le conseiller cantonal Simon Vogel, des Verts, souhaite que le gouvernement s’engage davantage dans les questions humanitaires.