04.01.21 Rejection by the local council
“Petition for the reception of refugees from the camps on the Greek islands”.
On 1 December 2020, the petition for a commitment of our municipality to take in refugees from the camps on the Greek islands was presented to the municipal council. The petition was signed by 4 residents of the municipality of Turgi. The petition criticises the situation in the camps on the Greek islands. According to the information in the petition, the Federal Council has accepted 53 underage refugees from the camps who already have relatives in Switzerland. Around 50,000 people in Switzerland, the national churches and more than 130 organisations support the Easter appeal of the campaign of Amnesty International, Evacuate NOW and the Migration Charter, the petitioners say. Furthermore, the eight largest cities in Switzerland have joined the appeal. They are calling for the federal authorities to take in refugees.
The petition submitted to the municipal council specifically demands that the municipal council agrees to take in refugees from the Greek islands and to publicly communicate this decision and forward it to the Federal Council.
The municipal council dealt with the petition at its meeting on 14 December 2020 and decided that it would not act on the demands of the petition. The federal government is responsible for taking in refugees / asylum seekers from abroad. In principle, the municipality cannot directly take in persons from abroad. The municipality is responsible for taking in refugees / asylum seekers who are assigned to it by the canton and takes care of their accommodation and integration.
According to the reception quota prescribed by the canton of Aargau, the municipality of Turgi has to provide accommodation for 9 persons. Turgi is already exceeding this obligation with a total of 19 persons. However, the view of the petitioners about the precarious conditions in the camps is shared by the municipal council. However, the municipal council is also convinced that the Federal Council will make prudent decisions in this regard and supports it in carrying out its duties at the level of the municipality.”
Municipal News Turgi of 04.01.21
01.12.20 Submission of the petition in the municipality of Turgi
Gemeinderat reagiert auf Petition: Turgi will keine Flüchtlinge aus Moria
Baden hingegen ist gewillt, 14 Personen aus griechischen Lagern aufzunehmen, sofern die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen geschaffen werden.