Delémont in September 2020
After the fire in Moria, Delémont declared its solidarity with the refugees on the Greek islands. Damien Chappuis, Mayor of Delémont, followed the situation in Lesbos on the day of the fire and discussed with the town council what can be done now. Along with nine other Swiss cities, Delémont will lobby the Swiss government to ensure that more people can be accommodated in Switzerland.
Zurich had demanded that the federal authorities immediately convene a national conference on the direct admission of refugees. Numerous cities and municipalities are ready to receive people from Moria. It is now up to the Confederation to finally make use of this offer.
Damien Chappuis: «Delémont est prête à accueillir des migrants de Moria» Le maire de la capitale jurassienne attend un signal «clair et rapide» de la Confédération pour réfléchir à comment offrir un abri aux migrants dont le camp grec a brûlé la semaine dernière