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«Burgdorf: Cities set a sign of solidarity – direct admission of refugees now!»

Postulat / SRB: 2016-56
Level: Municipality
Municipality: Burgdorf (BE)
Status: Accepted


20.06.2016 Submission of the postulate by SP, Greens and EPP: Cities set a sign of solidarity – Direct admission of refugees now!


  • The municipal council is asked to consider increasing the admission quota of refugees in accordance with the approach of the city of Zurich, at least in the order of 0.25 per cent of the resident population.
  • The municipal council is asked to consider taking in displaced people directly from camps for refugees, in line with the approach of the city of Barcelona.”

Full text of the postulate.

07.11.2016 Decision: “The City Council unanimously agrees to the referral and simultaneous write-off of the postulate.”

“The City of Burgdorf has faced the problem from the beginning and full of conviction we are doing our part. Unfortunately, the focus in Burgdorf is still only on underground accommodation. This is not ideal, but all our efforts, especially in the AMP area, to provide above-ground accommodation have failed. At least it can be stated that many more people are accommodated in Burgdorf. There are about 300 people and that is significantly more than the canton expects from Burgdorf according to the key. The figures are listed in detail in the proposal. The city of Burgdorf is also a role model for its willingness to take in people. The quota in Burgdorf is very good. The postulate also calls for refugees to be accepted directly and without bureaucracy. At this point, we refer to the GR’s response to a similar motion by the SP parliamentary group. Refugee reception in Switzerland has been introduced in a process. It does not make sense for a city like Burgdorf to go it alone. It is much more important that we ensure a good and smooth coexistence on the ground and do our part.”

Excerpt from the response of the mayor Elisabeth Zäch


Press reports

Städte setzen ein solidarisches Zeichen – Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten, jetzt!
Parlamentarier_innen aus Thun, Bern, Köniz und Burgdorf verlangen in einem überparteilichen und städteübergreifenden Vorstoss von ihren Regierungen, ihren Handlungsspielraum auszuschöpfen: Sie fordern die Direktaufnahme von Geflüchteten und die Erhöhung des Aufnahmekontingents!